seedling died

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by greenwatcher, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. im trying to start seedlings with 1 27 watt light will this work?
    i germinated with a damp napkin covered in a plate. but it died..
    why did it die??
    my thoughts:i used an old tiny pot bout 3 in across 1/2in deep filled half way with OLD peat moss i think thas what it is (the little pucks that u soak in water)the thing is like at least 5 years old.

    and i used a spray bottle that used to have glasses cleaning solution in it.smelled like alcohol.i cleaned it out and filled it with water left over night.

    today i looked at the seedling the root was brownish and dried ive been putting it under the bulb for night time and day time out in the sun.

    ne input and help blades??

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