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Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by WeeBay, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. Can anyone direct me to a good seedbank with good strains at a fairly moderate price? I seem to only be able to find places with strains I have no familiarity with and very high prices. Thanks in advance.:smoke:
  2. It Does?:confused_2: Im kinda new to the site and havent done much reading around:D
    But thanks for letting me know haha, cheers:smoke:
  3. No probs dude, have fun :D, you did click on the blue link that I posted right? Thats the seedbank that most people use but there are many others.
  4. If you're in a position where you don't need 10 seeds for 60+ bucks try Worldwide Marijuana Seeds, dudes are legit.

    They have a large variety for sale and you can buy just 1 seed if you want.
    Marijuana Seeds - Worldwide Marijuana Seeds
  5. u can buy single fem seeds from attitude for £4.99 + & can get packs of 10 seeds for as cheap as £12 so well under 30$ & there perfectly good genetics/strains, im growing some atm
  6. Yes I did, they have lots to choose from its so damn hard to choose:eek:. Any suggestions, Im looking for some nice indicas to grow, easy to grow and on the shorter side.

  7. I believe that single fem seeds for sale are only for certain strains, as opposed to the other bank were you can literally order any amount of any strain they advertise....But I didn't know they had 'good' genetics at 12 GBP.

  8. I love my indica grows, I have grown a few different strains now and I like Barney's farm LSD best or Barney's Bluecheese.

    I am trying different breeders this time but Im going to grow the LSD again for sure
  9. haha this guy really knows his stuff, helped me out a number of times

    his LSD grows have inspired me to try it very soon
  10. Thanks dude, the bluecheese was awesome to but the LSD is super special. Im trying the big buddha bluecheese this time but I don't really expect it to be any better. The bluecheese did stay a little bit shorter and flowered a week faster.

    My LSD and Bluecheese grows can be found here LSD is one page one

  11. Damn, i think I'm ganna have to give that LSD a try:hippie:, stuff looks incredible man.
  12. I have grown quite a few strains now and smoked even more but the LSD still blows my mind. She is super noobie friendly to, I had cloned mine and tied them and still never had a problem.

  13. Just ordered up some LSD beans, cant wait:smoke:
  14. Congrats and good luck dude :hello:
  15. yea dude nice choise, if or when u start a journal on here let me know as im starting some LSD at some point soon & be good to see ur grow, where did u get em from in the end?
  16. I ordered em from attitude, Barney;s Farm LSD. As far as a grow log , I'm hoping to get a digital camera in the next month or so, Im also waiting on a HPS so I got some time to wait, I'll definitly let you know tho when I start it up.:smoke:

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