Hello there, I didn’t get help on the other posts I made so I’m hoping maybe someone can help me this week. Please note I’m here for advice and help but as an individual we must take and use what is most beneficial to us - so beforehand I mean no offence to anyone! Anyways since no one answered my previous posts I figured I would just take the shot... Proceeded to put 2 seeds into water (tap left in container for 2 weeks at room temp) for 12 hours. One did sink and the second one would sink half way then float back up slowly. I put the seeds in Gaia Green living soil since I wanted to make my own but without help I didn’t wanna go hard yet + 80w LED LM281B (320w @ 25%) Since this is a test one way or another I didn’t mix my worm castings or 444 yet. But already doubting soil since I opened the bag and legit 3-4 little flies came out and I crushed them, took my soil out fast and put the soil bag in a trash bag inside a container. Hell as I’m typing this on my phone one bastard landed on my hand, I’m assuming they’re leaking from the bag inside the container somehow. Will my seeds germinate? And if they do, are they screwed from those little flies that are clearly from the soil? IF SOIL/BAG SOIL IS FUCKED SOMEONE SHOW ME GROW METHOD TO NOT DEAL WITH BUGS... LIKE HOW SO MANY YA’LL DOING IT WITHOUT THOSE BUGS? I’ll DO DWC, FLOOD AND DRAIN W.E Brand new 2x3 tent set up and I don’t wanna have to crush the thing and throw it out if it’s infected with bugs in a few days let alone that damn bag that I already feel is going to be messed up!!!!!
It may sprout, it may not. I’ve had the larva eat the tap root on my seed. Gnatrol works pretty well for fungus gnats.
Yeah man, I'd a thrown out that soil mix. Probably took it back to the vendor. Ready mixed soils can be hot for starting seed. By hit I mean to rich in nutrients for the young plants. I'd suggest promix HP. Simple soilless medium with enough nutrients to support seedlings and easy to amend. I keep it simple. Promix and jacks Classic nutrients. Nothing else is needed. 1/4-1/2tsp every watering and they are good.
Soiless grows don't encounter many problems with fungus gnats. Blueberry Cheese from seed | Grasscity Forums - The #1 Marijuana Community Online
Gnatrol is this organic? I’m not trying to put down chemicals but I’m growing because I feel like I want healthier weed lol! If it is do you know if it’s expensive to get in Canada? I’ll search a bit but sometimes Canada sucks!
So funny enough a guy in Youtube told me to just do Promix HP and dry amendments! Well now I’m feeling stupid and for not being patient I took the shot and got the Gaia Green soil... I mean when I picked it up the guy looked permafried and lost I had bad feeling from the get go IF and that’s IF my seeds survive, should I just transplant to the bigger pots using Promix HP + EWC + nutes or will the gnats destroy my new pots with the Promix HP? Honestly I was gonna do DWC or Flood and Drain but I’ve seen my parents grow a million gnats with their tomato plants and I hate those things, sure easy to ignore but y’all say they eat the seeds LOL
You think the seller would help out? I feel like most sellers will say “it’s a you problem now” and feel really stupid not waiting 1 extra day to blend my own soil but I might do the Promix HP you think the new pots will be okay or should I just start new seeds too?
I went through your grow very fast and notice you use the hydro nutrients, I was hoping to skip this (actually was going to use them but) since I want to have organic weed not for the hype but because I feel like I want healthier stuff + old school highs not this sweet butter smelling buds every place sells and funny names! So my main question to you is if I do your style with Promix can I use dry nutes or those nutes will also cause bugs? I’m just worried if I use chemicals I’ll get PGR bud or leave the nutes and smoke them haha
I'm dealing with fungus gnats atm myself. My fault I left my soil mix uncovered & they came in with that, the sloppy room didn't help.
Damn bro I’m kind messy too but since I grew much mushroom and first run yielded good and no mold + no PC + I ran agar so I figured my room won’t be too bad then I get these gnats from the NEW SOIL lol!!!!!!! You using regular soil/living soil and if yes how do you normally storage it? I will probably keep the infected soil outside (Canada) and buy Promix HP
Ask all the questions you'd like. It's cool man. That is what these threads are for. I'd trash the soil. Get it all out of your house. If you transplant to promix you will still have gnats. I'd start over with fresh clean medium.
So I checked my baby pots today nothing sprouted yet but also no gnats flying around... yet! I think my basement is too dry (can check previous posts) so I put barely misted bags on top of the pots and drop 1-2mL of water around and over the seed (not to drown or create more gnats) Do you guys think current RH and Temp is okay or not good for vegging? Maybe good for flower? thanks!
I use promix HP myco plain. Was using TPS Nutrients but have since switched to Jacks classic 20/20/20..and bloom
Dang bro/sister it’s the response I didn’t wanna hear but I knew was coming lol!!!! Last time I asked y’all for help was in 2018 and wow since legalization my country prices show up, seed banks selling high price sweet strains and legal places weak ass genes for in house genetics - it really sucks losing 2 seeds Can I just take these outside? They will probably die in the cold but I wanna cope with the loss LOL How about my tent? So far nothing flying inside but should I throw it out too/refund it? It’s not even 1 week old/opened for 2 days I don’t wanna keep bugs (I became paro after growing mushrooms and avoiding mold)
Okok so I’ll keep the tent worse case clean it like I did clean everything growing mushroom , check! So basically I have to start all over again: germinate seed for 12 hours in water cup, then plant to Promix HP no nutes for 1-2 weeks? I have Gaia Green dry amendments but would this cause gnats or it’s okay to use? I don’t mind bottle stuff but since I assume all my bought weed used that I want to see what “my own organic” would feel like lol If bottle causes no gnats I’ll buy ASAP someone just teach me not to poison myself when it’s tie to smoke hahahah edit: I also would add worm casting but if this will have gnats too please advise