Seed sport tea and mold

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by Bigpharmasux, Mar 14, 2017.

  1. My black oil sunflower seeds have sprouted but notice some white mold growing on seed... I Have heard that is normal and natural but are there certain colors of Mold to look out for? I have heard blue or green was bad. It's just white fuzzy mold growing on the seeds and I know SST is good but didn't have popcorn or barley so just checking if anyone out there has used black oil sunflower seeds with white mold and had success? Any I'll greatly appreciate it #BigPharmaSux
  2. As a seed sprouts it sends hyphae out to search for food, that sounds like thats what this is just much more established than usual. Your fine. As long as its white

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  3. could be fine roots but it could also be mycelium mold. either way its fine for use in SST.

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