So they sell 100% feminized seeds on the net how can they tell if they are femine is their a special way to produce only femine seeds if so can you give me the name of the process so I can look it up. Thanks
Yes, it's a special process. It involves inducing a female to produce some male-type flowers that produce pollen but since the plant is genetically female the pollen only contains XX chromosomes (not true male XY), thus when a female flower is pollinated with this feminized pollen it will produce seeds that are virtually guaranteed female.
i couldnt tell if they were feminine but evry one i know that bought seeds online grew some good ass weed if you buy them i highly recamend going to high times magazine or web site to order
Whatcha mean "try the process?" If you want femmed seeds -- and I highly recommend it -- then buy them rather than try to induce your own hermies and cross-pollinate to breed femmed seeds. If you are asking the question then you are not an experienced grower, nothing wrong with that but you gotta walk before you can run.