I am not going to lie to you, i am not a seed buyer. I hate the idea of spending money on seeds, but today i said screw it, and went to the seed bank around my city. I picked up 5 x Dinafem seeds (critical jack autoflowers) Anyone have any experience with autos? how long for nutes? ect ect. He also threw in 5 Blue widow seeds that were femmed. I'm pumped to see what the autos are gonna do ! wish me luck,
Some people like to give them veg nutes for a few weeks after true leaves appear but i prefer the heavy set of using bloom nutes for the whole grow. Then again I don't grow them for yield I grow them for potency and appeal so do some research on what you want from them and feed accordingly. Veg nutes do add overall plant size but at te cost of leafier, more disrupted bud growth.
Just buy a bag of shwag and grow one of the seeds out mate, believe it or not but there's wild shwag growing in Tazmania. I plucked a seed,grew it expecting something good, turned out to be hemp, smoked it anyway.
blue window sound nice. check this out Critical Jack Automatic (by Dinafem) :: SeedFinder :: Strain Info
Blue Widow's a nice strain, I ran it for just over a year. Leafy as hell, an a pain in the ass to trim, BUT, very nice smoke.
Sounds great !! The guy at the seedbank was so chillin, hoonestly i thought it was gonna be so sketch, the guy went into a closet, and came out with big BAGS of buds,they have a mini dispensery here. half of you might not think anything of it but where i live a dispensery is a rare thing, it was sick standing in a shop touching nuggets.. too unreal