Seed pods?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Mpabud, Sep 30, 2023.

  1. Hello, I am wondering if these are seed pods? Or is it just part of the bud. Thanks for any info.

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  2. looks like seed pods ....take one or two off the plant and open them up if they got a seed in there or starting to grow seed ,plant might have been pollenated ...if your plant has been pollenated look for a male flower it may just like like a very small yellow cell that look like a banana ....mac,
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  3. Thanks. I don't have any males. But I'm growing outside and I know there are others growing too.
  4. Looks like calyxes to me, not seed pods.
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  5. I don't see any pistils coming out of them though.
  6. i cant blow the picture up big so i can see the whats what there ....but take a couple of the buds off and see if they is any seed inside ....or if they are male flower bud there will be pollen bags inside ,,,you;l find out //if it is male flower plants an hermie .....,mac,
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  7. The "seed pod" is the best part of the marijuana long as there is no seed in it. If your asking if it looks like pollen sacs, no, no it doesnt that is definitely a female plant. Couldnt tell you if its been pollinated though.
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  8. just got to blow up the picture bigger ,,ive got to agree with you @420JoeBlow about being seed pods .....bloody puter couldnt make the picture bigger yesterday ...mac
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