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seed gerination

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by degarmo64, Jan 4, 2013.

  1. I have a question regarding seed germination. I soaked 8 seeds in water over night, then put them on wet papertowels, covered them, then put them on top of my compter tower near the back where the temp is higher. Within 24 hours, 4 of the seeds poped with 1/4 inch tails.... The other 4 seeds have done nothing and it has been 3 days.... Is this normal? I added another 4 seeds yesterday to see if it was just the seeds, and they aren't germinating either? Why would only 4 seeds germinate out of 12?
  2. Could be they are getting too hot or you have bad seeds. 50% is not good at all.

    Lots of trends about this, search and read.

  3. Do you know the genetics? or are they bagseed?

    Ive had about 50% success with bagseed and 100% success with known/good genetics.
  4. #4 degarmo64, Jan 4, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 4, 2013
    Well I would assume it's bag seed... Since they were the free ones that came with the 10 afgan seeds I bought.... It was a bag of free seeds that had 23 seeds in it. The afgan seeds all gernianted but one.... Although I killed all the plants execept one, which turned out to be a male.. lol So I am trying to get the free seeds to grow, to see if I can get some girls.

    Oh and they can't be getting to hot, since the temp is around 72, might even be lower.... But there is no way it is higher then 78.... I was thinking it might be to cold?
  5. Those arent bagseed.

    'Bagseed' is random seeds found in baggies of bud youve purchased. Usually of questionable genetics or poor growing practice.
  6. Too cold is more likely, and can slow or halt germination. 80 is much better than 70 . Also if you got a large bag of seeds free just for ordering ten I would guess they may not exactly be top notch genetics.
  7. I was going to post a thread about germ too. I can't fuck this up... It's cold like 67 in my grow area at times. What's the best way paper method or right into the medium? I'm trippin'. Sorry for thread jack.
  8. Ok I got a space heater, and will keep the temp at 78 - 80.... We'll see what happens now. I threw the rest of the seeds in as well, we'll see what happens.
  9. Okay I woke up this morning after having seeds next to the space heater, and they were completley dried out, and no spouts. Now I read somewhere that you were to never let them dry out when you are trying to germinate seeds.... So my question is: Have I ruined my seeds? When I saw they were dry, I decided to put them all in a cup of water, and only keep the ones that sank. I took the ones that sank, and rewetted a paper towel, and this time I put the small plate they are on in a zip lock baggy to keep moister in, and put a bowl over the top... I wasn't using a baggy or plastic wrap becuase I read somewhere that having air was important. Anyways, am I just wasting my time? Or have I ruined them by letting them dry out after being wet for several days?
  10. Not sure if they are ruined or not.. But sounds like they are in a good spot now..... If it were me, I'd leave them atleast 3-5 days before taking a quick look to see if try have sprouted.

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