Looking for seeds or information on strains, seedfinder is a search engine that can answer both questions. Where can I buy the seed and which strains were used to create the seeds. Not every seeds has a known lineage, but most of the ones I searched for had some information. User interface allows growers to post information about a strain they grew including phenotypes found, flowering time, height, yield and other. Not a seed bank, just a tool to locate seeds and information on the seeds you are looking for. You can also locate clones of strains, and will post a map to get you there. SeedFinder - The Cannabis-Strain-Search-Engine 2.0
Ben a member for a couple of yr's now,,good info. My fav part is "Map that shit". Very helpful when looking for info on which strain's to grow next
This is precisely what I've been needing. Should help my indecisiveness greatly... or make it worse. So many choices and all. lol Thanks for sharing, appreciate it.