I have 1 seed that's growing much slower than the rest that I've planted, it also has the seed's casing still completely attached to the sprout (pic below). I've heard to just let it do its own thing, I've heard that removing the casing will kill the plant, and I've also heard taking it off is the way to go. Just looking for a little direction. Any help is appreciated.
no worries bro if you look at my grow the same shit happened i was scared shit less xD haha itll fall by itself in 2 days dont pull it or the true leaves will rip and stunt grow at immediate stop.
I spray it every day in hopes I'll be able to stop looking at it. Lol twitter.com/ImKickedOut Instagram.com/abakethegreat
I plucked one off that was like that. I used a tooth pick and just barely swiped at it about 20 times and it slowly worked it's way off and the leaves opened right up.
I'll give it another day before I do something like that. twitter.com/ImKickedOut Instagram.com/abakethegreat
Lol. I know right? The rest of my babies look awesome. Then there's the retarded one with the casing stuck. twitter.com/ImKickedOut Instagram.com/abakethegreat
Here are the rest of the babies I planted the same day as the one with the casing stuck: twitter.com/ImKickedOut Instagram.com/abakethegreat