[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_hmsYOAEjc"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_hmsYOAEjc[/ame] KDE I'll make sure to report someone walking and texting frantically as they could easily be triggering a remote IED. I feel bad for that poor bastard, probably so focused on telephone conversation that he didn't see a gang of cops sneak up on him, search his car, and detain him all on the basis of a quick glance of a passerby
since you brought the whole squad out.... only makes sense you arrested him for exceeding his data coverage plan.
This. Fuck this bitch, for real. First the TSA now this? Fuck that bitch. In 30 years we're all going to be locked inside our houses to keep us safe.
I said something to a cop a few years ago, about a suspicous looking person wearing a full burka on an outdoor subway platform. He just came up and looked, but better safe than sorry.
Rep Peter King is also trying to pass a bill that would make suing people who wrongfully reported you illegal as well. You are finally safe! When can Canada sign up?
See something, say something??? Ok, I saw this video, and I'm saying something none of us really want to hear. As a nation, and a people, we have been conditioned to accept police and authority figures as this necessary element of our society. Maybe they are to some extent, but we are now seeing the kind of changes in our society that indicates something much less than democratic, something more evil and sinister than any of us could have ever imagined. We all like to think of our government as a symbol, and a force of justice in the world. Corruption and greed have taken what was once a beautiful idea and exploited it to the point of no return. As Americans, we are already living in a police state. Just look around. Everywhere you look there are surveillance cameras, and police. It's happening incrementally, one step at a time. This way they don't cause any resistance. People will go along with it because American people are especially whipped by out government. American people are so easy to trick. Why?? Because they're distracted by entertainment. People are far more concerned with what's happening on American Idol than they are with what's going on in our country. Reading this story about the Walmart is not too surprising really. It's not just that we have paranoid people who buy into the ridiculous nonsense the gov't is telling them, but we also have over zealous police looking to be the next big hero on the news. I used to have respect for my local police, but that is long over. I've personally witnessed, and even been the victim of disgusting police brutality, and misuse of power. It exists, and it's become rampant in America. Over the years, we've seen some crazy stuff from the police. Who can ever forget the way they tortured, and almost murdered Rodney King on the side of a Los Angeled freeway. Who can forget how the guilty pigs walked out of the court free men, all the charges were dropped. Just like that. It's time to wake up and realize that it's really time to do something about this. What?? I'm not sure exactly. I have some ideas, but nothing I want to talk about openly on an internet forum. Let the revolution begin!!! [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Klqv9t1zVww]YouTube - Police State 4: The Rise of FEMA Full Length[/ame]