Second Week of Flowering(pics)

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Chopperhead, Oct 6, 2010.

  1. Hello denizens of Grasscity!

    Got some pics of my garden in it's second week of flowering. Just looking for some input on my progress. I took some pics through a magnifying glass cause I am a bit concerned with the development of one of my plants. I have a Haze plants(no clue what strain) and a few Cream Caramel(sweet seeds). The Haze look like they are coming along well, but the CC look like they may need some help. Its my rookie opinion that the flowers dont look as developed, but then again I have been refered to as "paranoid" buy those who are out to get me. Please enjoy my photos below.

    Attached Files:

  2. Cream carmel mmm, good choice imo. That was in my shortlist of strains for my current grow. There was a few strains from sweet seeds i liked the sound of. Anyhoo looking good. Not got much more to add sorry, give it time id say, it aint gonna fall over and die anytime soon.

    Gd luck.
  3. Keep it up man looking good +rep

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