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Second time

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by tokerdoker, Jan 21, 2014.

  1. So I smoked for the second time today it is was pretty nice! Didn't get as high as the first time. Btw you can read about my first time In another post I made In real life stories. So this time wasn't as intense but I just laughed alot. I took about 3 or 4 waterfall bongs. It didn't hit me as hard this time I kind of didn't actually feel that high I just laughed and felt really lazy. Hopefully I get alot higher tomorrow. We have a nug left for tomorrow and then we are out. It should be able to make around ten good waterfalls and I will make another post tomorrow about how it goes.
  2. [quote name="tokerdoker" post="19382024" timestamp="1390343615"]So I smoked for the second time today it is was pretty nice! Didn't get as high as the first time. Btw you can read about my first time In another post I made In real life stories. So this time wasn't as intense but I just laughed alot. I took about 3 or 4 waterfall bongs. It didn't hit me as hard this time I kind of didn't actually feel that high I just laughed and felt really lazy. Hopefully I get alot higher tomorrow. We have a nug left for tomorrow and then we are out. It should be able to make around ten good waterfalls and I will make another post tomorrow about how it goes.[/quote]This is what we smoked idk if it's that potent because I'm a beginner

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  3. As you smoke more your tolerance will go up, and you probably won't get as high as you did your first time. Let us know how your next time goes man. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  4. [quote name="LookinLikeJimi" post="19383131" timestamp="1390354490"]As you smoke more your tolerance will go up, and you probably won't get as high as you did your first time. Let us know how your next time goes man. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum[/quote]Will do man!
  5. Bud looked dense and good

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