Just wondering if anyone can go over my set up with me and maybe figure out what im doing wrong here. I have a pretty DIY indoor setup. I think either my soil is far too hot or I am not hitting the right amount of humidity that a seedling needs. I have also noticed that the tips of the leaves are slightly purple. Not sure what that means. I am currently working with a 315W CMH bulb with a hood. A humidifier. Mylar. A few fans. All in a small closet like space. For soil medium I am using Dr Earth home grown vegetable garden potting soil.
Ah okay. I'll give it a soaking. How often would you recommend I water it? Should I throw it back in its little chamber as well? I think I took it out way way too early.
that soil , pieces of wood are never a good thing for cannabis , id say that light is too much but the seedling is stretching. Personally id get it in a soil that is known cannabis safe
Everything looks awful. Your soil mix is not good at all. Need to educate yourself before you frustrate yourself further as that is what’s gonna happen if you don’t get to reading man....
Why are you growing in Play Ground Bark? Seedling stretch and yellow, not good. She is hungry and that soil is crap....I mean bark is crap. Fox Farm Ocean Forest or Happy Frog is good. Home Depot carries Black Magic Soil or Lowes and get Root Farm Potting Soil.
Well thanks for the spit roasting gents hahaha. The only reason I am working with this soil is because its all I could find locally. I guess i'll have to make the drive and purchase some quality soil. I do have a massive bag of coco but had zero clue what to do with it
you have coco ? consider running a hempy bucket great yeilds and easy to do with some basic general hydro 3 part nutes
USE THE COCO. rinse it real good.. IMPORTANT buffer by letting it soak in a calmag solution. BUFFERING WILL MAKE OR BREAK THE GROW. It's soiless so water often. Coco should never feel dry. I use the hempy buckets and it's easy.. you'll get a better yeild than soil and its basically inert so what u give it nutrient wise is what it gets. You can fix deficiencies and toxicities before they stunt your plant Water at 5.8. Multiple times a day after the first month.