Second Cannabis Plant

Discussion in 'Harvesting and Processing Marijuana' started by nathanjiujitsu, Aug 8, 2012.

  1. His little guy is only under 75 w CFL ... It's 4 weeks into flowering ... Does it look ok?
    Strain: Blue Dragon (blueberry x sour diesel)

    How many grams do you think I'll gather from her?

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  2. nice! pretty good for just one 75 watt cfl. id say around 6 to 7 grams. if you can, next time use a light with at least 100 watts. good job though!
  3. [quote name='"bird630"']nice! pretty good for just one 75 watt cfl. id say around 6 to 7 grams. if you can, next time use a light with at least 100 watts. good job though![/quote]

    Thanks man, I just thought I'd do this little quick grow just to get some extra weed :) I have one other plant I'm expecting 1.5 oz from :p

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