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seasoned toker?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by dan1625, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. hey i was just wondering if i would be still be considered a noobie

    so ive been smoking since June of last year so tats like 8 months?? i think lol
    but ive tried maybe a dozen different strains excluding mids and probably smoked a good 1.5-2 ounces am i still a noob?:confused:
  2. well only 1.5-2 ounces in total..thats not all too much
  3. 2 ounces max? Noob...
  4. Yup. Don't sweat it though, you'll get there some day.

    8 months though, you have a ways to get there until you're seasoned.
  5. Sorry to disappoint but in order to be considered a Seasoned Toker you must have smoked more than 5.7 ounces in your lifetime.

    Apply again soon.
  6. You don't become a seasoned toker until you get a PM from me with your certificate of achievement and balance of dues.

    Till then, toke on. :smoke:
  7. Being a seasoned toker means knowing every aspect of marijuana. Cultivation, community, genetics, proper technique, ethics. It can't be amassed solely by amount smoked or time spent using the herb.
  8. Not until the fat lady stops singing to take a hit

  9. i dont think you have to know too much about cultivation and such to be a seasoned toker, of course you would to be a seasoned grower.

    but OP: until you've been smoking for years, and have tried nearly every method of smoking, and many different strains you are still a novice, which isnt a bad thing!
  10. When you hit level 35 you evolve into a seasoned toker, and learn Hydro Pump.
  11. Got your whole life ahead of ya Dan no worries :smoking::wave:

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