Yes, I know, you can't trust people on Craigslist, but I am desperately dry since I moved to Tampa and can't find local connections, so as a last resort I responded to an ad on Craigslist. The guy advertised medical marijuana, listed some nice strains at somewhat acceptable prices, so I bit the bullet and sent the payment via . Of course, since that moment the guy stopped responding to Emails and clearly never shipped anything. Just to make sure, I contacted him via different Email pretending to be another poor schmuck looking to score. Sure enough, he responds right away with the same sales pitch, so I preted to send him money and give him fake number. Few hours later he responds that package is ready, but the payment didn't get thru. I replied, telling him to shove the package up his scumbag ass. Anyway, just to warn anyone else, the guy is from Vaughan, Ontario, Canada. Calls his business Tree Machine and asks payment sent to Jon Miller, which is likely a fake name. Stay away from this asshole! Now I am $100 lighter and still dry
Kind of difficult to follow this advise when buying online, I don't know of any online business that sends product prior to payment, do you? Like I said, it was a desperate move and I knew I could get scammed, just had some hope in people....less of it now of course.
Dude wow. You should feel lucky you didn't get a cop man. Craigslist would never be an option for me, I'd rather sit here budless. Edit: Jon Miller? Fakeeeeeeee
Dude never send money through for craiglist ads, or anything besides personal matters at that, its always a scam. *See Line 2* craigslist | about > scams
You didn't fuck up when you tried to get weed over Craigslist (well, yeah you did), you fucked up when you sent him money with . If you ever attempt it again, meet in person.
Don't buy weed online? EDIT: BTW, Craigslist has NOTHING to do with this. All it was, was a place for the ad to be posted on the interwebs. You NEVER, EVER, EVER send someone money via for any type of purchase online. That is like the first thing you learn when you start shopping online. There is no receipt of the transaction, your word against their's and most times they just use a fake name/address.
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