ScrOG2 - My doubled sided ScrOG

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Grow Journals' started by iCLONE, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. #1 iCLONE, Jan 14, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2010

    I have this idea to grow a double sided ScrOG. Lighting both the upper and
    lower areas. I'm putting it together now but here is the concept drawing...

    Strain: BC (Grapefruit) KUSH or Grapefruit Diesel
    Lights: 2 x 400 watt HPS, 4 x 125 watt CFL, 12 x 42 watt CFLs
    Food: Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Grow, Liquid Karma, Cal-Mag
    Soil: FFOF in 5 gal Pot
    Area: 12'H x 8'W x 8'D

    Attached Files:

  2. sounds like dangerous potential. I'm doing the same thing with my grow. Check out the link in my signature.
  3. I'm a little confused. I read your grow and I didn't see anything related to mine.

    And can you elaborate on the "dangerous" aspect? I'm aware of the double side
    lighting problem? I'm hoping to address this by filling out the screen before I light
    the lower chamber. In the lower chamber the lights will be mounted higher on the
    wallsand facing inward and down. I'll also be LSTing the lower branches toward the
    side lights.

    But if you see another issue please share ....
  4. dangerous potential, I meant that it sounds good. The more light the more bud. :hello:

    I am doing the same thing with the under lighting. I have a 400watt HPS light on the top, and 4, 23watt 6500k CFL's under the canopy. And I just bought a 65watt 2700k CFL that I'm gonna put in tonight, for even more lighting.

  5. Cool .... I'll be sure to check it out again.

    My screen will set at 7' in the air. I'll be able to walk under it. I'll use a ladder to tend
    to the top. I have two plants to choose from. Both are at or over 6 feet tall right now.

    BC Kush
    Grapefruit Diesel

    Attached Files:

  6. wow, those are some trees man. How long did they veg for? What is the lighting schedule on right now?
  7. Wait scrogin full grown trees? Count me in for the results
  8. #8 iCLONE, Jan 15, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2010
    They are a couple of my mothers. They are about 1 year old. One (KUSH) is
    at 81" right now and the GF Diesel is at 6'. I think the KUSH would fill out the
    screen and go vert better than the Diesel...but the diesel is a bushier strain
    and the lower chamber would be more productive.

    Cuttings to humidity dome for about 10 days. Then to 6 inch pots before going
    to 5 gal pots. In FFOF (30% perlite) and using 400 watt MH (18/6) for nesting
    6 Moms.

    If I had just 3 more feet of width in this area I would do two (2) trees. :hello:

    I picked up some Weed Wacker line to run the grid with tonight.

    Attached Files:

  9. Hell I dont know why this isnt the standard already for SCROG im not an expert with it but this sounds like it would be better...
  10. whats the verdict?? did you get it done?
  11. Had a killer bout with spider mites. :mad: Bringing a couple more
    ladies up to height. Should be with in the nest 2 to 3 weeks. :smoking:

    Thanks for asking ....
  12. Still on hold ... I will PM each member interested once I'm ready. :)

    I had to ditch the mothers due to "spider mite" damage. Currently
    bringing up a couple of substitutes but am still a fews weeks away. :devious:

    Please see my current grow (see sig) in advanced grow journals. :smoking:

    6000 Lumen ScrOG - Off
  13. mites thats to bad how do you plan on get rid of them i have a good recipe but it kill all damaged vegitation it took me for ever to get rid of them

  14. Isolation, neem oil, floramaite and pyritum bombs..... The problem was the
    mothers were huge all of them over 6' tall so I was never able to clear them
    up. Those mothers went outside and received regular treatments of Floramite.

    I ramped up the clone room and started over. It was easy to kill them off clones.

    I wont lie ..... it was and is a war. I'm be completely rebuilding a new grow room.
    It will be complete environmental control and twice the size I have now. I will also
    be proactive and pretreat for them on ALL my plants. I''ll also have all the tools
    I need on hand so I don't have to order and wait for anything again.

    I have a 4 girls at 5' now so it wont be long.
  15. Hey goes the grow? Stumbled upon your ScrOG-off entry and wondered what happened to your sweet little setup. :wave: :smoke:
  16. The Mighty Spidie ...(mites) hit the trees so they had to be isolated. It so happens
    I decided to let them flower and I've been puffing them for a month.

    I have two mothers left that are both at 7' to 8' tall that I will use for this. But I also
    have 2 giant (7") trees flowering in the back yard along with 14 plants in 3 and 5 gal
    pots. Couple this with the 4' x 8' ScrOG I have indoors ... I thought I might wait till
    less is going on.

  17. :eek: Mites suck donkey dick! Sorry to hear that for ya but sounds like you pushed through anyway. :hello: You know what they prove it. :poke: Hint, hint. :D :p
  18. #18 iCLONE, May 7, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: May 7, 2010
    Almost ready for this grow ...

    Here are the ladies in waiting. You can see a 4' latter next to one.
    That same tree is ready if you note the two sections of growth for
    the upper and lower areas of the screen. The one on the patio is a
    backup tree. She's tanning a little in the cool morning air and will
    get a good flush and dressing.

    One in the back yard is flowering now and will be yummy in about
    50 days. I should have taken pics of the harvest from the other
    mothers I flowered but I gave my cam to my daughter for school.

    These are Grapefruit Diesel and BC Kush. The Kush grows like a
    weed (pardon the pun) and the Diesel has node spacing of about
    1/2" and is my fave phenotype and will bud from the main stalk
    to the tip of the branch. Perfect for SOG. The last pic is an example.
    She was a tiny little cutting put out to flower about 30 days ago. See
    how she has budded up the entire length of the plant. She is only 60
    days old. I have several more like her outside at different stages in
    age. I'm placing one a week outside to find out at what point the
    flowering will cease.. I started doing this in late march and so far
    everything has flowered.

    So now I know I can veg inside all winter and flower outside in March.

    Well ...... hopefully I will get this thing going soon. Life's little curve balls
    keep coming and I keep swinging so we'll see how it goes. Sorry for
    the delay to any that are watching. A typical noobie mistake I'm sure.

    Attached Files:

  19. Your girls look stunning. :hello: On that second picture, you seem to have a bush at the bottom and then the tree goes up from there to bush again. Did you do something to have that start/stop point, maybe where you took the clones? Thanks for posting pics! :D

    I would not have thought the girls would continue flowering outside prior to midsummer. We have plans to put some out then already in budding.

  20. Thank you ... the area on both shows the regrowth from cuttings (clones). Then when
    my rental prop opened up and was vacant I decided to try and grow "big" and let
    them grow out. Nevada has a 7 plant limit with 4 only as mature. So I wanted to
    experiment with large indoor plants.

    I was pleasantly surprised when I got a plant to flower in mid march. I have an area
    on the patio that stays warmer than the open air and this is where each was acclimated
    for at least a week. None of the plants were flowering before going outside. They went
    from 18/6 to 12/12 ish outside and started flowering. Thrick will be to see how late in
    the daylight cycle will they start to flower and will they herm durring the process. I put a
    tree outside about 2 weeks ago and it's gone crazy. Flowering faster than any of the rest.
    Most likely due to warmer temps.

    * A note ... what I was spending on monthly smoke is covering the mortgage on the
    rental and I have no more tenant headaches. And no more weekly "buys" :rolleyes: The
    place is damaged but now I have a new project and garden.

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