ScrOG vs SOG in small cabinet

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by OrganicHobbiest, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. Hi All,

    I tried searching, but it was difficult to find something with (at least near to) my particulars.

    In a 3' X 1.5' square cabinet/wardrobe/armoire/box floor space (approx 3 1/2 feet vertical), with 8 plants, would I get a higher yield from scrogging these plants to fill a screen, or should I just let each one develop its own cola, filling the ~9X9" space each plant will have?

    Initially, I was going to scrog, but it seems like it might make more sense to let each plant have its own cola, devote all its energy to it, so that I have 8 large colas (and maybe a few popcorn buds here and there), each of which is about 0.5-1.0 ounces (hopefully!). My concern is that, if I scrog, I'm not going to get as many large buds, plus it might take longer to train, etc., and it will just add unnecessary complexity.

    For the sake of this exercise, the point of this is to maximize yield.

    If you could include in your assessment some information as to why you chose the way you did, I would be much obliged.


  2. so each plant has a 9inch by 9inch space? that wont be enoiugh for 1 oz. thats a small space.
  3. Yes, each plant has a 9X9" footspace, approximately. I figured an ounce per plant would be stretching it in that small of a space, but I wasn't going to start the standard newb "how much yield should I expect" thread :D

    Another question I have is whether, if I take cuttings, it will cause the plant to branch and prevent a single large cola per plant. I suppose I could take a side shoot, assuming there are some, but I imagine if I cut the top couple of nodes off of each plant for a clone, it will cause the plant to branch, thereby preempting my SOG.

    Here's an example of what I'm talking about; THIS PICTURE IS NOT MINE, but I doubt anyone has copyright on it; it was just a hit on google for "SOG grow." I wonder if this type of arrangement would be more effective than SCROG.

    Attached Files:

  4. Bump...any thoughts people?
  5. A scrog in that area - it will be annoying to reach in and under the plants to accomadate tyhe branches, it is really annoying. Once that screen is on there, there is no going back. Yield is excellent because the lower branches will reach to the screen, there will be a lot of colas.

    An LST in that area - it iwill be annoying removing the plants in and out, having to tie down the branches is also annoying. After a while you will not have to be tieing down branches, it will look just like the screen method without the screen.

    Both of these methods are very annoying but I feel they are very similar in yield, it is just which one would be more annoying for you.

    Sog in that area - I really don't know about the yield compared to lst and scrog but you will have to give it a try and see, that is if no one responds with some kind of info that can help you.
  6. Why not go with a SOG. I reckon you could get 18 pots in that space and harvest 2 plants per week with half an ounce on each. You'd have to keep a mother going in a seperate area for this to work of course.
  7. ya dude!!! SOG all the way. I love that pic of the sog thats exactly what im shooting for. I love the sog style of growing. easyier to work with. you can pick up each plant, move em around. its just super easy to deal with as opposed to big plants that stay put. just my 2 cents but ive found it super easy and effective.
  8. Yield depends on your skill in using the different methods. You would be able to harvest more often with sog though if you have a mother, so that would make it the highest yielding overall given the time factor, plus SOG is fun.
  9. SOG> SCRoG

    sog you can flower quicker with more plants. you will get one main cola thats about 20" tall and about 1-1.6oz...but you can have like 6 plants in the area maybe 2 would be. When you cut out the veg you can grow faster more. And by the end of the year have a greater over yield.

    Evil :smoke:
  10. In lamest terms, whats more fun? Being pregnant or actually having the kid? less down time and more production!!
  11. Yeah, totes tired of pregnancy right now.

    Decided I'm going to SCROG, then SOG with clones from the first batch. Obviously, this is unscientific, n=1, statistically insignificant, etc., but I'll repost in a few months to let e'rbody know what the outcome is.

    Sorry, no pics, way too paranoid :hide:

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