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Screwed In Court

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Kizerk, Jun 18, 2013.

  1. #1 Kizerk, Jun 18, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 18, 2013
    I was cited more than a year ago, in CA, for posession of weed in a vehicle. I was not smoking it.
    Long story short, I pleaded not guilty and showed up to court with a non guilty plea and my valid recommendation. The cop was allowed to talk first and he described how a resident reported erratic driving (my sister) and how she jumped the school fence and jumped back over (he made sure to add in "we made sure there was no burglary") and he lied that i failed to pull over right away (total lie) basically I was not responsible for any of the mentioned actions. My only crime was getting in the drivers seat by the time the cops came. I was tested for drinking, blew a .00 (cop made sure to include that as well) We were literally 4 houses away when he wrote me a citation for possession of weed, and refused to let me grab my rec.
    Bottom line, when it was my turn to talk, the judge had a disgusted look on her face. All I could say is that i had a valid rec. Mind you, there was kid before me, he had his rec w him @ the time of the citation and was cited anyways. The judge dismissed his case when he showed her the letter. But when it came to me, I was found guilty.
    If yall came in here to bash me like "lesson learned" save me it. I have an infraction, I guess it counts as a traffic ticket. But can someone tell me if I had a lawyer would things have been different? I feel like the judge could have been lenient with me, but the cop pretty much painted me in a bad light. I told the judge I was not the one driving, not the one that hopped over the fence, and all she said was "are you on trial for that?" WELL IF IM NOT on trial for that, why IS HE MENTIONING IT?!!!! Basically the cop took others people actions, painted me in a bad light, and I was found guilty. GRRRRR!!!
    basically is there anything I can do? I had a valid rec, and the fact that whether it was on me or a minutes walk away should NOT determine my verdict!  I'm very dissapointed. Mind you, I don't like to carry my rec in the car, as my mom likes to clean the car for me and I didn't want her to find it.

  2. thats such bullshit... did you not get the option of a jury trial? maybe shouldve gotten a free public defender? idk all the truths, but i remember when i went to court i was given the option of a trial jury
    i declined and just pled NC
  3. Always always have some sort of lawyer. should've gotten the public defender. representing yourself does not work in your favor 99.9% of   the time.
  4. Judges are gay. They'll put it in the ass 100% so they get paid.
  5. Things would have been Better if you introduced your judge to Mr.Benjamin

    Sent from my Nokia 3310 using Grasscity Mobile Forum app

  6. Why the hell did you get in the drivers seat? 
    Was your sister drunk?
    If she was, why the hell did you get in the car with her driving? 
    You don't EVER get into a car with someone that you know is drunk, it doesn't take a moron to realize that.....even if it's a sibling. My brother drinks and drives ALL the time.....i will not let him drive me anywhere or take my kids anywhere. It's simple, i value my life and there life.  
  7. I expected a much more exciting scenario.
    Coitus in the court (gavel bang!)!
  8. Dude thats nothin, like you just an infraction pretty much a ticket, even tho you went thru that bullshit. 
    I lost my job, my driver license and I have a felony on my record until i complete probation. Just for an ounce of weed. The cop threatened to damage my property if i didnt unlock my glovebox. I learned even a public defender is garbage, get a real lawyer if you ever catch a case. 
  9. maybe file an appeal and learn how to cite certain laws.  If you can't afford an attorney its not that hard to read up on  the info and file one.  Just find cases where having a rec has had the case thrown out, cite them properly and you're good.

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