Screen spacing...

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by darwinphilosoph, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. How large should the screen holes on screen of green be? About 3"x3"?
  2. ive read 2x2'' is most preferred.... there'd be nothing wrong with using a 3x3.... just might not get as filled as you want it to be..... always better to go bigger than smaller tho i always say.

    that is unless you know you've got like a 7 foot monster and all the colda's get to be like sodacan size.... which would be sweet.... but other than that, its probaly slightly too big.
  3. alright i am going to switch it to 2x2. I have too many plants for the screen anyway so I want as many sites for buds...Anyone else have any advice? A second opinion possibly?
  4. i used 1.5'' and 2'' i wouldnt go bigger i assume your talking about a scrog
  5. Yes...screen of green...scrog. I went with 2" and it looks good. Built it somehow so perfectly it fit with no legs and is strong enough to support it.
  6. #6 Allgood32, Jan 18, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2010
    What's going on darwin,

    2 inches is ideal. How high do you have your screen over your plants? If you want some expert advice, you should holla at these guys ( I've learned a lot from these guys. Also if you haven't already you should read this ( From the pictures I've seen scrogging is the way to go. I just took some cuttings today so I can start my first. You can check my photo gallery if you want to see my set-up.

    Good luck.
  7. Do you have some pics?

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