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Scraping Resin?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by zBUDz23, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. I used to hit res all the time with my old bowl but I got new ones and the res gets like solid against the inside too fast. Is there anyway to loosen it up? Some old tricks to make it easy? :confused:

    Snow Day. Roads too bad to pick up. Nothing to do at home. Help :(

  2. Heat it up a bit. if your peice is glass micro wave for a short burst?
  3. I feel ya on the god dam snow.

    As for your "res" its tar, but whatever.

    If you wanna toke it up go for it, just letting you know its not so great for you fyi.

    But anyway, you wanna loosen it up, just get a nice paper clip and start scraping, you can scrape the actual bowl too with a knife and get a decent amount.

    I don't know any other way, good luck, and fuck snow!

    oh. ps. i'd be careful with the microwave, one time i did that and shit stunk up my place, it only took like 3 seconds.
  4. anyone else notice a massive amount of tar or resin threads lately? lol this weather is getting to people

  5. There has been quite a few I must admit. I am still questioning why people refer to it as resin and not tar?

    Anyhow. Heating it up should loosen it. It's good that it is solid, as you would want it fairly dry anyway before you smoke it

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