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Scraping Resin

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by thezool, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. right so ive been using my pipe for a few days now, put about 8 or 9 bowls through it so i think its pretty well caked with resin. now how do i scrape it ready to smoke? its just really blcak in the bowl, looks like alot of it is ash, or is that all resin?
  2. the resin is what will come out of your pipe, and it will be very sticky and smelly. i wouldn't clean out your pipe yet.. though i don't know how big it is... just resin hit it
  3. I don't know if 8 or 9 bowls is enough to have any real resin in there... dunno, I don't do the whole resin-smoking thing. I clean my pipe out every like 4-5 uses, or whenever I get a new strain of dank that I want to taste unadulterated by resin taste.
  4. I'd try to refrain from burning your resin dude. Smoking tar is always a nasty experience and you're just better off smoking bud or, if budless, use the time as a t-break.

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