Scraping dried QUISO - help pls

Discussion in 'Harvesting and Processing Marijuana' started by Sexyback, Oct 12, 2010.

  1. I don't have a razor blade to scrape it, what would be a good alternative that i'd have around my house?

    And what are some tips for scraping it?

    Thanks :)
  2. Hmm.... i'm usually pretty good at this sort of thing.. around the house... Honestly nothing comes to mind unless you where willing to file something down.. but even then the edge of a razor blade is going to yield the best results.


    keep your dish cold
    try to keep it off your fingers
    be mindful of what you are doing.. razors are very sharp :)
  3. credit card or something like it?
  4. razor blade is going to give the best results. cause its stiff and hella sharp. trust me. Oh if and when you go get'em.. pick up a couple of the rectangular kind with the rolled over edge for handling. i made the mistake of grabbing some cheap trapezoidal shaped kind that are designed to fit into a utility knife.

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