
Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by SS Lulu, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. So, I was cleanin my car today and what do I find. About .3 of this purple kush i picked up not to long ago and .1 of some other weed. Needless to say I fired that shit up and finished cleanin my car blazed...:smoking:
  2. #2 CrimSon_King, Jan 23, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2010
    That must have been a nice reward!

    I wish things like that happened more often to me. I usually end up smoking whatever I have "hidden" away.:p
  3. Hell yeah, ecspacialy since I'm dry. And yeah, I don't even bother trying to stash my weed, I know I'm just gona end up smokin it.
  4. dude. I dunno if maybe i'm just seeing your avatar pic wrong but. Is that somebody sticking his/her hand into a pussy?
  5. ROFL! Now that you mention it...:laughing:
  6. Why yes it is. There's also a caption that you realy can't read, but it says, "well, I don't know either, ma'am. Have you been on a boat latley."
  7. This may be the bong hits talking, but that is the most awesome avatar ever :hello:
  8. Thanks, I thought it was pretty epic when I saw it too.

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