Wait, it will pass us in 2029, AND then come back on 2036? That's one quick orbit, not to mention where was this astroid before that we didn't notice it?
It's probably on approach from a great distance. Once it passes the Sun, it'll probably loop back right away and get shot back out. Found a pic of what I mean.
Man, Michio Kaku is fucking everywhere now. I don't think I've watched a single science doc lately that he isn't in.
Eh the only chance of it hitting us is it has to pass through some type of gravitational opening 600ft in diameter. Righter now the chance of being hit is less than 1%. Sorry to disapoint you guys
haha, and not a single fuck was given. But really if it does hit, it would have catostrophic consequences.
From Wikipedia: So 2x to3x the size of Krakatoa. Bad I guess, but not Earth-shattering (pun intended). Would wipe out a city or two - either through direct impact or through tsunamis. Personally, I can't think of anything better that could happen to mankind right now. Near-death experiences have profound impacts on the personal lives on individuals. Their priorities get realigned, they begin to think about things beyond themselves, they have renewed empathy for others. Imagine if everyone in the world had a simulataneous near death experience. Watching the dot in the the sky, hoping it doesn't hit, doesn't hit near YOU, doesn't hit near anyone you care about. Watching. Waiting. Would put some things in perspective. No? Wouldn't kill us all, but it would be 9-11 times 100,000. It would the whole world's 911. And not blamed on any one group.
One big rock or millions that would cause a firestorm. I mean come on, it's not going to work like in Armageddon. We should blame god, that way we all have a common enemy.