\tScientists recreate the plague http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndoKTy7Vqws Scientists may have taken a page out of the movie "28 Days Later" when studying the Justinian Plague. Researchers looked at the DNA found in the teeth of two Germans who died 1,500 years ago of the Justinian Plague, and used the DNA scrapings to recreate the bacteria. They found that the bacteria caused both the Justinian Plague and the Black Plague of the Middle Ages. RT's Ameera David takes a look at the deadly impact if the plague were to become airborne.
If it's already gone and it's soooooo deadly why the fuck would you try to recreate it? Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Plague isn't an eradicated illness. It actually still exists, even in developed countries like the US, it's just very uncommon. Though still kills thousands a year across the world, in the 21st century. This is recreating a specific strain of the bacteria. Considering the Spanish influenza virus has been replicated as well, this is hardly surprising. Anything for scientific shits and giggles! But yeah, not really expecting a second wave of Black Death around the corner.
The plague is already in your own backyard. It is present wherever oriental rat fleas are present, as they're the actual carrier of the disease. Wherever you find black rats, (all of North America) you find plague.
Sometimes science just goes too far, 'Hey we studied this rare strain of cancer and made it airborne and contagious.'Thanks science!!Hooray for science! Science! We're all about coulda! Not shoulda! -Patton OswaltSent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I just watched 28 days later last night. One of my most favorite zombie movies.As for the plague recreation, come at me broOmega369
This is actually one of my biggest fears- Rabies going airborne and surviving long periods outside of human bodies. If this happened, nearly all mammals will be wiped out. (and possibly birds, as well, they CAN get rabies, thanks to their blood temp!)
There's a lot of positive things one could learn and apply to life by directly studying deadly lifeforms. A vaccine or antidote for the illness is obviously one, but ways the bacteria might reproduce or protein productions it undergoes can be used to apply to other viral or bacterial illnesses.
Well the only reason the black plague spread so quickly was because they lived in straight filth in the cities. Sent from my burner
it spread because of fear mongering zealots...pointing at cats as signs of being in league with satan, so people got rid of cats. feline genocide attempt back then was the cause of the plague. Title and article are misleading, the disease still exist, it was never extinct.
One day science will fuck itself in the ass and create the happy mistake that is Zombies. On that day, I will take over my area of residence and create a zombie fun land for whoever is unlucky enough to stumble upon it during the reconstruction of civilization.
Neil Degrasse Tyson disproved the possibility of traditional zombie in the daily show bit "Neil Degrasse Tyson...buzz kill of science!". In it he said zombies are impossible because without heart function and blood/oxygen distribution, the body could never overcome riggor mortis, and could not function.
Consider the possibility of a viral disease like rabies being altered, manipulated and spliced. This new disease could increase heart function, blood and oxygen distribution and take over the brain to give it one specific function. Spread the virus. How? By feeding on flesh of other eligible hosts. The zombie would feed to satisfy it's body's need and pass the disease at the same time. With so much fascination on Zombies and the amount of research done with gene's and diseases I don't doubt a future with zombies. Near future? Maybe not but I think it's plausible that it would occur one day.
This is possible, but not traditional zombie. You can incapacitate or kill these zombies just like any other living person. So they are not as scary.
[quote name="travilanche" post="19440513" timestamp="1391156514"]Seems like a much better use of resources than curing cancer.[/quote]It is a great use of resources. The field of microbiology needs funding too, not just biochemical research for cancer, especially when there's much to learn from the oldest living organisms on earth.