I'm not trying to start anything, let that be known. I just felt like I should share this. I am not doing this to offend. I did not make this, obviously, but I am interested in what people think. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6w2M50_Xdk]YouTube - Science Saved My Soul.[/ame]
The video made some good points, but this man is not educated enough in spirituality to make those assumptions. I agree with the religious aspect, but spirituality and science go hand in hand. Those "supernatural" experiences aren't supernatural. To think we have everything figured out is a major misconception. The universe is a living conscious being with a soul. Each galaxy has a soul and each planet and star has a soul. They are all living beings. It's all woven and interconnected into a cosmic web of love created by the divine consciousness. Creator/source doesn't care if you believe, bow down, etc...it is unconditionally loving. This guy was so good in the beginning, but his ego took over. He could have just stayed true to what he believed in, but he decided to judge others which is never loving. He is on his own path and he will awaken soon enough. - peace, joy, love, and light
I'd tell him to take it back to the very first spark/split/bang and quote this article. The Beginning of Time - Origin of the Universe - Was there ever nothing? I personally don't believe that whole opening to that video and my existence is all by accident or chance.
existence is like a coin flip 50/50 heads- potential tails- absolute nothingness after a period you WILL land on heads, its proven because, we exist. i read the article and i had came to the same conclusion, before reading it. its makes sense. why ask why or how existence exists, when just existing in itself is amazing. an enigma but, it works.