Science Refutes God

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by kstev, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. Live debate at 5:45 central time if anyone is interested. It should be really interesting. Enjoy!

    Science Refutes God
  2. How would science know what kind of tests to do to prove or dispove something they may not understand?
  3. No one knows if a god exists.

    And if it does, it's probably something the human mind isn't even capable of adequately understanding.
  4. It's a debate...nobody knows 100%...that's why they are debating. If a god was proven to exist, there would be no debate. It should still provide some good insight for both arguments.
  5. Exactly.
  6. Stop the War on God! :cool:
  7. Science in its present form cannot refute god. However it does refute religion quite easily. Should be a good debate.
  8. Is debating any different than what I was doing?
  9. And yet, people talk about it constantly.

    And almost all of them pretend to know something specific about it.
  10. It's funny because even if god was disproved 100% beyond any reasonable doubt, the believers would still believe. It's really sad.
  11. There is no way to be totally certain about the non-existence of god. It seems that it would require knowledge of everything about every point in time and space. So become god to disprove god, which is a paradox. If anyone asks you to prove god doesn't exist, what they mean is "i'm right, shut up."
  12. You can't prove or disprove it which is why arguing about it, believing it, and disbelieving it are all invalid.
  13. If you put something like God under the finely tuned microscope of science you will see that you'll come up with nothing, so there's no justification to focus on a theory that a God exists. Just as what Hitchens once wrote, “What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.” What theist claim to be evidence would not be scientifically valid and reliable, which is why science is incompatible with religion. You must choose a certain way of thinking and can't have it both ways. Either rely on the clumsy heuristics of human intuition or rely on the pragmatic and rigorous science to be the guide on what's reality. Science is the best branch of philosophy that has ever existed. An objective way of thinking, a true way.
  14. God molested me as a child :(
  15. I have not watched the debate ,but the second I saw D'souza it's clear the theist are using dishonest tactics to convince the audience. That idiot straw-mans the shit out of everything to the point where the other side has to spend most of the time correcting him.
  16. why do people have this desire to "disprove"god. I believe in God, or some kind of god. leave me the fuck alone. I dont want to know if god is real or not. if you dont believe in god because our current scientific methods cant prove god exists, then great, im happy for you. if you believe in scientology, thats great, awesome actually. Islam? great go for it. Mormon? i really dont give fuck. just leave me alone.

    I swear atheists are sometimes more rude and infringe on others beliefs more than theists.
  17. Uh no, theists come and say GOD EXISTS. Then scientists review the evidence and come up with nothing resulting in failing to reject the null hypothesis. Especially in this day where some irrational belief like religion effects our actions through unjustifiable means fairy tales need to be ridiculed. Imagine if the president said "I believe the tooth fairy told me wage war." Which its equivalent has occurred throughout history and very recently.

    I swear theists these days don't even recognize the special pleading and unreasonable justification religion is given.
  18. The whole concept of God is unnatural, hence it's impossible. Accept life how it is. Life was created *luckily in Earth (the right conditions were given and organic matter created until it became alive)(that's really how it happened, there is a way you can create organic matter, proteins and stuff, which happened naturally in Early Earth's atmosphere). There's no purpose in live nor ther is heaven nor hell nor any kind of live afterdeath. We are just a step another step in time. Everything in this world is actually insignificant we are just like anything else in the universe, the difference is that we're alive.
    The only thing you can do is to be greatful. Stop wasting your time and live life for you. This will sound bad, but stop wasting your time in an unreal being. Which i beleive was invented by people to have more control over people and stablish ruling with fear. I guess sone concepts are good, like how to behave and all that, but the purpose of doing it for good or for heaven is unnescesary. It's common sense moral.

    "It's not until you accept life you'll start living."

    "The saddest aspect of life right now is that scince gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom."-Isaac Asimov

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