Amounts under 1 oz = $100 fine, no arrest, no record. Effective Jan. 1st California Governor Signs Marijuana Decriminalization Bill |
I wonder if they are attempting to circumvent prop.19. Reasoning: Maybe they're thinking this will make people say, "Well there's no reason to full-on legalize it, now that it's decriminalized." So they'll vote no. Just a thought.
in following your link about half way down the page there is a post by Lee Mapson. it says people with a MMJ card can grow up to 99 plants. is this true? I didn't think you could grow that many.
He did a good job considering hes not a lifetime politician like most. Nobody is perfect and he tried to hold it together during a very rough time (a great recession) He will forever be remembered for this bill and for good or bad he has secured his place in the history books. Just you Watch. ROFL
i'm sure of all people arnold has good reason... no i don't know why he would oppose the bill but arnold smoked a lot weed in his day, so there must be good reason behind his choice
no it's not a good reason, he just wants to have some kind of career after this. he's still thinking about running for prez even though it's impossible for him right now. if he back prop 19, he could kiss any kind of political career goodbye.
Everybody laughed when Jesse Ventura took the gubernatorial race in minnesota then arnold followed suit in cali years later. To me these are the kind of people we need in government. They are not lifetime politicians and not a part of the 'club' so they seem to get things done and not care what the rest of the politicians think or say. These non-orthodox leaders are just part of the complete overhaul that needs to happen in this country.
That was my take on it too. I feel at heart Arnie's on our side and needed to do this to appease some of his backers in the Republican Party. By signing this bill he took all the teeth out of the few penalties that were imposed by Prop 19. That of smoking in the presence of a minor or getting caught with too much weed. Those would have both been misdemeanors under the old law and are now only infractions. So in a way, he kind of bolstered Prop 19 and made it even more awesome if it passes. Oh by the way... This is my first official post. I've been lurking for while and finally had to register and jump into the fray. Been following all this very carefully. I'm a resident of California I also have my Medical Marijuana Card, so I'm watching all of this with great interest. -Barry
He only says that because he's a governor, he's supposed to pretend he's against legalization of drugs. The big boys at our nations capital don't want that to happen, so of course he's going to say he's against it. Arnold smoked it, he's obviously a supporter of pawt.