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Schwag Edibles?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Snem2012, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. I can get a qp of some schwag for like 175$
    is it worth to try to make edibles with it? If so what kind of edible?
  2. I only cook with schwag.

    Look at the cannabutter recipe in the sticky's.

    Make cannabutter so you dont have to taste the crappy shwag when you eat the edible, and you can make virtually anything that calls for butter in the recipe.
  3. If you read my recipe for cannamilk/bhang I used about 2 grams of schwag for a large glass of some way potent bhang.
  4. Schwag is PERFECT for edibles, its actually highly recommended you use them instead of dank.

    Make cannabutter or firecrackers [but firecrackers will taste like ass]

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