Schools These Days.

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Dub C, Jun 28, 2023.

  1. This creature is a teacher at a "trans-affirming" high school in California. Does this thing teach anything other than trans BS? Kids are provided clothes of the opposite sex and chest binders are made available to girls without parental notification. How did all this shit become acceptable? It is fucking insane It helps absolutely nobody. So many lives will be ruined and families destroyed with the aggressive pushing of this trans garbage. Kids get out of school and they can't read or do math sufficiently, but they know all this shit. This individual seems to be obsessed with talking to kids about sex. In a saner time, it would have been fired and arrested immediately. I hope I'm blowing this out of proportion but if it's taught everywhere (along with critical race theory) like it said, this country and its people are in huge trouble. China and our other enemies are laughing at us as our country crumbles.

    This person's devices need to be seized and inspected right away. There's a good possibility of there being illegal underage shit on there.

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  2. All I Know Is They Better Not Try That Ish With My Kids Or I Will Take Them Outta School. Me An My Hubs Already Teach My Kids Not To Listen To Any Of That Stuff If They Try Teachin It An They Will Tell Us Too If Any1 Bother Them Bout It.

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  3. Make sure they know the truth, because this shit is being pushed hard. In California, there is even a bill that will take away parents' custody and possibly even put them in jail if they don't "affirm" their kids' delusions. That is just insane and unconscionable. How can anyone support this garbage?
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  4. The goal is to either indoctrinate the youth into dismantling society by radicalizing students or demoralize them so much society dismantles itself. Our academic institutions have been subverted by a rainbow cult.
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  5. It's why I post so much of my so called transphobic articles and such in the general politics thread. People need to stand up and push back on this shit and continue to do so until it's under control. At all costs.

    One of the problems is so many of these fucking parents don't give a shit about their kids enough to care or worry about what's going on in their schools.

    And the few people that have been on this forum who support this shit are full of shit. Trying to claim nobody is grooming kids, nobody's trying to make your kids gay/trans. Trying to claim kids are born this way and they can't be made to be gay or trans, absolute bullshit. Then what the fuck is happening in all these schools? The countless videos around the internet proving this is happening. But no we are all just transphobic and homophobic for even speaking about what's going on.

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  6. It's tricky, academia has been subverted, and it's leaked into medicine. The only reason any of this shit has any traction is because the rainbow "experts" say its helpful. "We gotta do this or they'll kill themselves, see? Look at our data."

    and then you look at the data and say its fucked up, then they academically gatekeep you and tell you you're not an expert, you don't know. Thats why they're shitting their pants about affirmative action, they gotta have a say in who gets to become experts. Better be cool with rainbows if you want to get into health care, they'll make sure of it.
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  7. They Do. An Ion Even Know What To Say Bout That Stuff In Cali Just SMH.

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  8. It's deliberately designed to weaken the West. It's all part of an attempted Marxist takeover and dismantleage (I like to make up words) of Western civilization. We must make it fail.

    I've had some people claim it's not happening, then right away say it's not bad if it is and ask why I care. I care because so many lives and families have been and will be destroyed by this insanity. The suicide rate is 40%5 for trannies and is sure to increase with the explosion in numbers. There has been a 4000% increase in people identifying as trans in the last ten years or so. That does not happen organically. It is being pushed, particularly on vulnerable children, and has become a social contagion. I just finished The End of Gender by Debra Soh, PhD and am beginning Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters by Abigail Shrier, JD. Both contain information that everybody should know.

    It really is amazing how many doctors and other science people are fully on board with this madness. Though it does make sense in a way. Many are getting rich off of it. People who transition become patients for life.

    The evil trans activists claim that there have always been this many trans people, they're just coming out more now because it's become more socially acceptable. They also claim that people will kill themselves if they're not allowed to transition. If both of those things are true, logic would say that there would have been an unbroken stream of people killing themselves going back decades. Unfortunately for the activists, such a trend does not exist. As usual, they are lying. Lie, cry, scream and bully, that's their M.O.

    It really is mindboggling. Even 10 years ago, people would have found this absurd if it had been in a comedy movie.

    I think if some adult wants to get his penis cut off, he can go ahead and get it done, provided he can pay for it himself. I think it's a terrible idea and he will almost certainly come to regret it, but, hey, he's an an adult. However, how can children possibly consent to it? We don't let them smoke, drink, drive or get tattoos. But a permanant life-altering irreversible surgery that will leave them sterile? That's A-OK. It's pure madness. They can't possibly grasp the gravity of that decision. And on the topic of paying, gender-destroying mutilation should never be covered by insurance, especially Medicaid. It should be considered an elective, cosmetic procedure and should be completely out of pocket. If it's that important to them, they can find a way to pay for it.

    @Dizzy, @Papageorgio and @Hybrid Civilian, thank you so much for responding. I'm surprised and disappointed that more people haven't said anything. Everybody should be outraged by this.
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  9. Either people are just ignorant or people are afraid to speak out. I stopped being afraid to speak my mind a long time ago. You can't cancel those who refuse to be canceled. Only those who accept being canceled.

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  10. Luckily I've been saying wild shit on here for years, it's kinda my thing. It'd be weird if I didn't say something. I agree with hybrid, people are just afraid to speak up or they don't know.

    Idk how to stop it though. Collapse might be the best thing at this point, assuming it's the rainbow cult that's not on top once the dust settles.
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  11. Man that was last years curriculum update, not only do we have to take the "rainbow" class, but in Canada we have to now take reconciliation "Indian" class.

    Fuck I was looking into taking a welding course but idk about that shit that's 10hrs/ a week of bullshit out of a 40hr week that I'm paying for to learn the weld.

    Not that I'm an asshole, I'm just tired of having it rammed down the damn throat, can't turn on the news without it. can't view the weather without it, fuck even porn is torn on that one.
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  12. I hate hearing young teens identifying themselves as gay or lesbian before ever having a boyfriend or girlfriend. It's too common now. I can't even dress like a hippie cuz people will think I'm gay pride.
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  13. There is a 16 year old autistic girl that volunteers at our shelter and when I met her, all she wanted to talk about was taking male anime characters she watches and making up new stories where she makes 2 straight characters gay.

    Fast-forward to today (6 months later), she is now a lesbian that only talks about gay males. It's really bizarre, especially because she's never had a boy or girl friend and not even very many friends. It's like poor parenting and indoctrination in real time!
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  14. It's actually a thing though, turning straight characters gay, anime style. South park did an episode on it. The girls kept drawing tweak and Craig as a gay couple. There's a name for it, it escapes me.

    Also a little disturbing that she "makes them gay". Hopefully someone didn't make her a lesbian... It's almost like the grooming behavior was projected onto her. Now she grooms what she can through illustration. Maybe it's a power/control thing.

    Odd how you never hear a story about a kid turning asexual. That's always the letter they always leave out.

    Sounds like her teachers recieved training from this guy:
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  15. Trump vows to stop the gender insanity. Stopping "gender affirming" surgeries.
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  16. I've posted this elsewhere. Seems like Bill Maher is one of the only liberals willing to ask questions instead of blindly accepting the dogma.

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  17. Amen to that. So many people are afraid to speak plain truths these days. I am not one of those people either.

    If indeed a collapse is coming, I doubt rainbow would come out on top. It would likely be those who are able to fend for themselves, so mostly conservative survival-minded people. As a quadriplegic, I'd be screwed, but hopefully the rest of you sane folks will be OK. Luxury ideologies like trans, feminism and BLM will go away if truly hard times arrive. Sanity may yet reign again once we emerge.
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  18. People used to not want labels. Now there seems to be an obsession with labels.

    That's yet another reason to support him, but the trans activists and media will come after him extra hard, but they would do that anyway.

    He's also one of the few liberals who'll actually criticize the religion of peace (which is currently rampaging across France).
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