School's in, Granny sez-Goodbye freedom!

Discussion in 'General' started by Storm Crow, Aug 29, 2011.

  1. Well, it's been a fun summer :smoke: , but reality strikes! School is back in starting today, and it's back to being "Ms Crow" for me! This is definitely going to cut into my computer time! :( Less GC and (my other place to play).

    So you guys are going to have to click that first link in my sig more and dig up the answers for yourselves! :eek: Granny's cutting the apron strings!

    Good/bad news is that I'm only working part time this year ( I am 64, ya know :p ), so I won't be totally "jumping ship"! I'm down in the lower grades (2/3) for a change. And having such a great rep at work :rolleyes: has allowed me to, once again, skip the drug tests! :yay: (Always do your job to the best of your ability- it can pay off in unexpected ways! ;) )

    It's been a blast, but "life happens"! And I'm off to "play with the dead" over at Ancestry for a few minutes, and then to school!

    Granny :wave:
  2. I wish I had a weed smoking granny as a teacher when I was in grade 2 :(
  3. Enjoy the school year granny. GC won't be the same without your wise words, haha.
  4. Have fun Granny, be sure to pop in once in a while so that we know you're doing alright :)

  5. second that! :wave:
  6. Enjoy Granny!
  7. teach them right Granny!
  8. Teach those kids cursive writing! I still can't write in script because of the damned third grade teacher...
  9. Be a cool, chill teacher, not enough of those.
  10. Don't be a stranger :wave: have fun.
  11. #14 SmokinJoe420, Aug 30, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Idk why I'm laughing at that comment, but LOL.
  12. Make sure to return :( we will all miss you.
  13. Don't worry, like old Arnie "I'll be back!" (He and I share a birthday, incidentally. lol)

    GC will help me unwind after each day! :smoke:

    I'm just doing the after-school program this year. Almost zero stress- but I'll still want to unwind! ;)

    Brian, I explained to several little darlings today that kids with better handwriting almost always get better grades. ("And after too many messy papers your eyes start going all "wibble-wobble" and your teacher might get grumpy! And if that 0 looks like a 6 to a grumpy teacher, you might get the problem wrong!" :eek: It's fun when you can "ham it up" for the little ones! :D)

    And on the playground, we discussed biological differences between a spider and a grasshopper -plentiful at the school, to the delight of the "hypers"! lol. We had about a half-dozen kids doing a "run, stop, crouch, run, stop crouch" chasing the hoppers all over the yard! :laughing:

    I "ID"ed a few plants by name to some other bug-hunting kids and "The Indians used it for...". Suggested a better way to handle a problem between two boys- before it got out of hand. I try to teach practical stuff.

    Sad news, Granny is going to miss 4:20 M-F until summer :( ; my schedule keeps me there later than that,....but I'll just make up for it when I get home! :smoke: lol No prob!

    (And no, I don't go to work stoned.)

    Granny :wave:

  14. Well at least you wont be gong for to long GC needs you. :D
  15. Good luck Granny, I am starting school too, it sucks.):
  16. Are you Mrs Lollis?

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