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Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Matao429, Jul 9, 2013.

  1. I don't know about you guys but before summer while i was in school i would go to school high. Not everyday. But i noticed that my grades got better when i started smoking. I brought my science grade from a 75(weakest subject before smoking) to an 90 at the end of the year(after smoking). Other grades got better too.Maybe its just me because all i hear is bad responses to smoking and school grades. Any thoughts about this subject? 

  2. Dont use good grades as an excuse to smoke.
    Generally when people tell me the acedemically perform better high, i instantly think they are just using it as an excuse to smoke weed, even subconciously.
    When im high, i cba t concentrate.
  3. #3 italktocats, Jul 9, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 9, 2013
    you did better at the end of the year than at the beginning..
    you might almost think theyre teaching you something!
  4. Not my excuse but i think it helped a lot. Focus better and raising my hand more. Getting more interested in boring school man!
  5. LOL i know this but i really suck at science. We all have that weak subject.
  6. Weed and school don't mix well for me.  I'm in college, and while I do sometimes go to class high and it always goes fine, I think I retain less when I'm high than when I'm sober.  Especially in science and history classes, I do find that being high makes me more interested in the subject, but I don't feel like I really learn the material.  That said, I've been smoking "heavily" for almost four years, I go to a respected private college, and I do very well in school.  Last semester I got a 3.85 (that's A, A, A-, A-).  But in my college career so far, the only class I went to high every day was also the class I got the worst grade in (B-).
  7. i know exactly what your talking about. when i go to school stoned i get so much more into the class then as i do normally. But my highs are always do much different then my friends, when im high i like to get shit done, and feel like crap when im being lazy. i love working out stoned, i love learning (going to school) stoned
  8. One time I burned on the way to school and sat in math high. I didn't want the teacher to get mad at me so I sat quietly and took lots of notes (which I never, ever do) we had an open note quiz the next day and I got the highest grade in the class  :hello: (pun intended :smoke: ) I thought there was a correlation too.
  9. In highschool I would burn everyday in the morning before class. Then during lunch we'd go burn a stoogie in my car. Got straight A's my dude
  10. I can understand. Doesnt apply to everyone i know that. I know some dumb motherfuckers who thinks its okay to bomb test. Cant stand it

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