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School Starts Today :)

Discussion in 'General' started by What'sThatSmell, Sep 2, 2008.

  1. Wooh back to the ol' dirtiest high school in my town.
    I've been going there since Grade 8 and I'm now in Grade 13.
    It's so easy to find weed there, it's like growing out of the walls almost.

    I don't mind going back, high school is fun despite what a lot of people think.
    The workload, with the exception of a few teachers who like to act as psuedo university professors, is laughable - so you can get just baked and have fun.

    Anyways, wanted to see if anyone else was going back to high school today - or starting university/college today...or middle school (come on we know you 13 year olds are amongst us).
  2. I started college last week, but I was out of town so I guess technically for me it starts today. I don't have classes on tuesday though.

    So today I'm going to use this time to do things I should have done before I went out of town - Like buy books and gather supplies, get organized etc.

    Good luck on the first day back to classes!
  3. yup back to class for me as well... last year of school i hope:p
  4. I'm starting school tommorrow.
  5. #5 .AcidTrip., Sep 2, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 2, 2008
    Im Starting kg2 Pretty Soon Pffttt so much work
  6. i graduated, just workin a while then gin to college:)
  7. i've been back to college for 2 weeks now
    sigh. gotta go take a dump then leave for school. pce.
  8. started last week
  9. I'm going in about ten minutes. This is not good.
  10. Ugh, started monday. Classes on Labor Day :(
  11. Started my sophomore year of college last week. This year is going to suck, I actually have some difficult classes (unlike last year).
  12. Hahah let me rub it a bit.

    while you guys are at school im at work just meeting new people and making money and the best part is i start work at 4 pm and finish at 10pm how awesome
  13. Ya mean we'll have less silly threads now?
    Right on!
  14. Right on brother
  15. Just started freshman year of college today. I got a phyc class in about an hour and half. Hopefully thats gonna go well.
  16. fuck just got back from my first class, i think my english professor might be a stoner, atleast i dont have another class for another 3 hours
  17. Class starts in about 2 hours for me! Im gunna miss summer now that its gone. Oh well.
  18. im starting on monday. gunna get so baked cuz i havent smoked in amonth since ive been in europe. im coming back to nyc on sunday and then before school monday i got a good setup going. hoorah for wake and bake after a long ass t-break!!!!
  19. back to school, back to school
    i'll show dad that i'm no fool
    i got my lunchbox
    my boots tied tight
    i hope i dont get into a fight! :smoke:

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