A few days this past week, me and my friend Dominic have been going to my place after school and smoking some marijuana. Dominic loaned Devin $60 and Devin wont give it back, so Dominic went to his house and started yelling at his dad and brother, then his dad went to the school and told the administrators that all this was happening, and how Devin was gonna give Dominic 6 grams to pay him back. Today, Devin and Dominic went to the admin's office and Devin lied to them and the police said that if their stories aren't the same, they'd both get arrested and expelled on 3 different marijuana-related charges. We sent someone to the office to pretend they were hurt so that they could tell Dominic what to say before he talked to them... I just hope Dominic didn't say anything about me... What should I do if they starting questioning me at all? Please help.
ok step 1 GET THE FUCK OUT OF YOUR FOREIGN ASS COUNTRY one where you wont get EXPELLED and ARRESTED because of STORIESSSZZZZZZ loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool please tell me what country you live in so i can never make my presence there
No proof? I have no idea wtf you're talking about! Can I please go back to class so that I can LEARN?
if you got nothing on you, they cant do fuck all. they cant charge you with anything for not having pot on you. all they can do is get you to confess. if your stories dont match you can get suspended, but not arrested. just play it quiet. you dont have to say a thing. just say you know your rights. shut your mouth dont say a thing. they want you to route out your friend. school is a joke anyways. they think they can push you around but they cant do shit. know your rights and dont do anything stupid.
Let them spill the accusations. Ask if you are being detained. If you are, they should have a cop there. If they have nothing on you, ask if you can leave. Dont say SHIT. Thats what he means by pleading the fif The 5th Amendment
first of all you should punch everyone in the mouth for flappin it, then plead the fif edit: i actually came up with a better idea. if the cops mention weed to you say "is marijuana this? ( while making needle injection gestures) you can not fail with this plan. man thats the best highdea ive ever had
last year, i knew someone in a very similar situation, except the school found out she was dealing, not just weed. lied her way out of it, but got a suspension/warning/behaviour contract. its going to be fine.. you are already cleared!
Fuck them if they didn't find any pot on you when they searched you they can't do shit about what you do after school. Its only heresay anyhow.
when i read the OP's post this was the first thing that came to mindi'm glad someone else was thinking the same thing i was.
Oh lawd. Plead the fif maybe? But seriously. Stupid ass shit in this thread. If you actually live in a country where it's possible to get expelled and arrested for stories, then blame yourself for this. If this is what I think it is, your probably 14 or 15 and the school is threatening you to make you talk about shit they might have an interest in. Fucks sake dude, they have no proof, just word of mouth. Just say it's an insult that they pulled you out of class to listen to stories, if you wanted that you'd read the Bible.
All of you should know your rights. The schoo has no bussiness in any of your affairs because nothing has taken place on school grounds, nor is there edvidence of anything. If all of you just dont talk you should be fine. People dont understand that you dont have to answer anything and that people usually just dig there own grave.