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School Facebook creeping.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Bud The Spud, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. We have a small school of 500 people - one of my friends made a group on facebook for every one that burns at our school. He had 200 members haha. Anyway our school administration suspended the creator of the group for 3 days. She also pulled me aside and asked about my "activities on facebook" I said what I do in my own time is none of your concern. Can they even go onto a students facebook profile and look at their stuff even when the group was created after school hours?

    Another funny thing about the teachers at my school. I was walking down the hall with a NOS energy drink and a teacher asked what i was drinking - i was like some morning juice. She then said oh i thought it was a beer! I quickly replied with not on weekdays miss.

    And they wonder why the education system is failing kids, its not the drugs, its not the video games its the teachers teaching making work to easy for the smarter students and to hard for the ones struggling. I get into trouble in class (and get high) because im done all the work half way through so instead of having a more academic class they tell us to sit in a room without windows for 45 minutes with our thumb up our ass.

    Sorry about the rant. Happy blazing. :smoking:
  2. Yeah gotta love our tax payers dollars at work
  3. #3 Anubis578, Jan 21, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2018
  4. completely agree.
    although this thread should be in the chillout zone.
    no worries though.
  5. That guy is an idiot.
  6. Welcome to the real world.

    Most employers these days will immediatly Google your name when you apply for a position, check facebook and other social networking sites.

    Plenty of cases of workers being fired after thier boss's have infultrated social groups
    and then made up their minds on what they do out of work hours.

    You'll either need to refrain from using social netowrking sites if you want privacy, or embrace your lifestyle and become open about it, you can't have it both ways.
  7. Yeah sorry, pretty baked I just posted it in the fourm i was looking at at the time.
  8. The Same shit happened my senior year, A friend of my put a picture of me doing a keg stand and hitting this huge bong, fucking got suspended, and the cops searched my locker and my fucking car, fuck school glad I'm out
  9. Yeah definatley not a smart move, I do live in canada though we can be abit more open.
  10. Why don't people use privacy filters? It makes me a sad panda. :(
  11. #11 Anubis578, Jan 21, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2018
  12. Facebook lets school administrators right past those....
  13. #13 Anubis578, Jan 21, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2018
  14. How so?
  15. ya they can like if your drinking and shit, dude net is public domain it can be used against you in every way.... kinda sux, people lose or dont get jobs over it too
  16. IDK, my friends mom was an admin at a school and she could see all the students profiles and claimed she could see our messages, although the message part might be bullshit.
  17. The schools have enough power with computers. In grade 8 i hacked the computers disabling the fire wall that blocks youtube and stuff. I linked the schools whole server system to my server in my house evading the proxy. I also masked my IP with an onion server which basicly scrambles your IP. The bastards still caught me - i was suspended for 5 days and now my computer is almost always monitored.

  18. well said.

    people lose 6 figure jobs over shit thats put on crackbook. you getting suspended is nothing.
  19. #19 Fuel, Jan 21, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2010
    I dunno how much I believe that. (Not saying you're lying, I just don't believe her.)

    I could create an account right now and claim to be a school admin (Facebook doesn't really confirm much) and I doubt I'd be able to see anything someone didn't want me to see. But I wouldn't do that, cos that's against the site's ToS.
  20. sorry op, but you're an idiot, anyone who advertises that they smoke just to be cool, makes you a moron, your friend got what was coming to him, and next time have alittle more discretion

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