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school and high?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by lovethatgreen, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. I'm thinking about going to school high today. Is it fun?
  2. ITS DA BEST SHIT me lol jus dont get makes skool fun fa sho tho
  3. I'm skipping school today so i can stay around and burn all day, but going to school high is fun. I'll just warn you that if you enter the school blazed between classes, it's a bit overwhelming. It seems like you're being drowned in a tidal wave of people, but in a cool way. Definately one of the aspects of being high that everyone needs to explore.
  4. Just make sure you don't reek of weed or anything before you go into class. It'll make you paranoid about being caught, and just generally ruin the high.
  5. When I went to school high i'd smell like bud, but it didn't matter cus I didn't have shit on me. So don't trip on smell, unless you got shit on you.

  6. kush is my cologne lolz
  7. How would being high magically make school fun? What grade are you in anyway? Oh wait senior right? Let me just say that if you're worried about looking high, don't do it.
  8. i never really liked going to school high, even if ur high its still school and its still boring lol. id rather not waste a high at school when i could just get high when i got home.
  9. During my junior and senior year of high school me and a couple of my guy friends used to smoke every day before school. Personally i tihnk that it made class easier to deal with and the general atmosphere surrounding classes and school was better for me. I would say go to school stoned once or twice and see if you can get away with it, if you can then keep doing it. I went to school really really really blazed on finals day and ended up getting a 98% on my calculus test. I think it's easier to concentrate and focus on one thing when im stoned at school. So yeah, i recommend it
  10. i always hated smoking in high school. we'd smoke at my buddies in the morning and just pull into school completely ripped. when we walked in it seemed like everyone knew and just made me feel really paranoid. and then on top of that you usually burn out around lunch time and just feel like shit the rest of the day.
  11. If you're relatively new to smoking then I wouldn't suggest it.

  12. Agreed, you definately dont want to be uncomfortable about doing it. You'll end up losing your high before the end of 2nd period
  13. i liked high school high somtimes. in my sophmore year i had some cool classes so it was fine goin ripped cus i had fun. junior and senior year i went high a couple times and it was just a waste of a high the classes sucked and they took forever

  14. My third time smoking was at school at lunch and my teacher noticed but didn't do anything apart from hinting at it. Smoked at lunch everyday since
  15. i love gettin high at school i did it alot during highschool before class between classes and during class like asking to go to the bathroom and smoking while i make my way over there and back
    so fun

    but college i dont know i havent tried it should i?
  16. If you don't want to be able to retain the information being taught for the day then be my guest.
  17. its not that fun. i did it a few times and just get REALLY paranoid
  18. #18 mrdelta9, Jan 15, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2010
    ive done it 2 time at ny school in high school, it was fun, but my friend saw me and imediatley busted me out, he was like "ur high as shit man"kinda annoying, but no1 gave a shit
    another time i had theday off, went to my friends house over night and went to his old school, i was sober when we got off the bus, but then we walked 2 burgerking and smoked, be4 we smoked=stay at burgerking, after we smoked=i thought it was a good idea 2 see my old math teacher

    other than the last part, it was fun
  19. When i was in highschool my buds and I would post up by the auditorium and smoke a blunt or a couple bowls before school everyday. This went on for my entire Sophomore,Junior, and Senior years.
  20. I've been getting high for class since Grade 8. Let me put it this way. School sucks, weed makes school still suck just not as much. Unless you're on a field trip, using computers, and watching a movie or something.

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