Scholarships given to illegal immigrants.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by nb790, Aug 8, 2011.

  1. Smoking weed has zero repercussions on the rest of america.
    They keep it illegal to make profits and to protect the assets they already have. The war on drugs drains our taxes, takes our freedom of choice, imprisons the innocent while the dangerous roam free, limits our options on medicine, fuel, fabrics, etc etc etc

    Illegals take jobs from us citizens and raise the unemployment rate, they get free healthcare when they drop off anchor babies, now free college money, they get free food and cash through our welfare system, they drain resources and taxes when our law enforcement has to go find them and bus them back to mexico.

    We fight against the war on drugs because it is wrong, unjust, and it takes away from this great country and holds us down

    We fight against illegal aliens coming to our country because it is illegal,because it takes away from the resources that makes this country great and causes a decline, and because it is unjust and against what this country is founded on.

    Please dont try to compare the two, because if they are similar in any way, they are similar in a way that completely tears your argument apart.

    If we stopped giving them free shit, they would not want to come over here. If we made it harder for them and if we enforced our own laws, it would be much harder for them to travel over here. with the rate our country is going, we cannot sustain hoards of illegals.
  2. how in the fuck does that make ANY sense in your head?

    There are merit-based, student secific and career specific type of scholarships.

    There IS a need based one, but that requires a FAFSA to be filled out which they cant because it requires a social.

    Look shit up.
  3. There will always be illegal immigrants unless you want to live in a police state where everyone is id checked all the time...

    An immigrant with an education and qualifications is an asset to any society. When they are qualified they will be capable of contributing through taxes and social contributions.

    But being the US you get a choice. If you want to live somewhere where illegal immigrants get treated like sub humans then move to Arizona...;)
  4. So what happens to the masses of US citizens who now find it harder to get a job because we allow these illegals to take the job? They may be more useful educated, but what about people who are here NOW who need jobs? Shouldnt we be worrying about them before we bring MORE people? Marginal unemployment is already in the double digits.
    We need to worry about US before we start giving out free passes to people who do not belong here in the first place.

    it sets a precedent. Through incrementalism we slowly allow things we wouldnt have considered 20 years ago.

    I cant hate on someone for just tying to get ahead. But when i see MY OWN PEOPLE around me that cant get jobs that are struggling to survive, there is no way i can feel sympathy for them before i feel sympathy for my own people. Go ahead, go for yours. But the minute it starts taking away from the mouths of my own people, thats when i start getting defensive.
    We have become far too polite and far to worried about helping other people when we can barely help ourselves.

    And yes, the process is long, i hear that argument all of the time. That is not our problem nor our fault. We cant help everybody.

    And no, i wouldnt complain about 'legal' immigrants', because they would pay into the system and they would contribute to society. Just like you say, they come here to support their family and make a btter life. alot of mexicans come here to work, and then send the money home to mexico to family. this takes away from our nations wealth. This is NOT sustainable.

    you dont know me or what i do shoota, so how would you know how i use anything?

    I pay my taxes, i pay for my own health care, i have insurance, i do not use public assistance or welfare.. i dont get what you are trying to say?

    I contribute. I put IN to the system.

    so how about we stick to the facts instead of pointless ad hominem attacks?
  5. They should do this in the UK. That way I can afford college there and GTFO of this shithole they call the land if the free.
  6. So you're mad because you put into the "system" and aren't getting your fair share back? or because now illegals can get scholarships?

  7. Said the native american
  8. did no one read this "receive privately funded scholarships "?
    Its private, not taxpayer money. The kids grew up in america, they're american. They didn't make the decision to break immigration laws and come here, their parents did. Therefor we should punish the parents, not the kid.

  9. Im pissed off because things like this give illegal immigrants incentive to come on over.
    It says they can break the laws to get into the country, use our health care system to have an anchor baby to loop hole their way into citizenship, use our education systems, be able to get free college, etc. and ALL they have to do, is pay some cartel member to sneak them over the rio grand.

    illegals should be deported at the very least. Not be given amnesty.

    If we removed that incentive, they would have less reason to come here. You give someone an inch, they take a yard.
  10. The article says that the new bill is "limited in scope" since it simply allows eligible illegal immigrants to qualify for private scholarships.

    It's sort of funny because the gov't shouldn't really be involved in immigration at all. The only thing gov't should be protecting people against is forced integration.

    The only people who should be setting up qualifications are the private instiutions themselves who give out the scholarships. People come from other countries seeking a better life especially for their children and chose this country because of the many opportunites offered here.

    For being foreigners these people sure know how to stay inside this country despite it being illegal for them to be here, hmm i wonder how they do this. Yes, fake documents that still make them file taxes and pay their fair share. Yes, there are others who deliberatlely abuse other aspects of gov't systems but this is only because these gov't bureaucracies are poorely run and often corrupt.
  11. Meh. I can pull out the same tired kinds of arguments against pot.

    It makes people lazy and unreliable, they lose their job, they go on unemployment/welfare. That's a drain on society.

    People get high and go out and cause traffic accidents. That's a drain on society.

    They can't take care of their family/chlidren. Kids end up in foster homes. That's a drain on society.

    Sure, those are tired arguments, but so are your "They took our jawbs!!!!" argument. They take jobs Americans won't do for the pay that the illegals will work for AND they consume, so they contribute as much to making society work as you do.

    And you say that drug prohibition is against what this country was based on, when indeed "this country" is based on people who came here against the will of the people who lived here before.

    It was alright when your ancestors came, but now it's not.

  12. I love the america was founded on immigration so we have to leave our doors open forever argument. That totally makes sense!
  13. They would not be crossing the border in such large numbers if it werent for NAFTA. How are poor farmers in mexico supposed to compete with corporate farms in America? Dont you think it would make sense for them to try and move to the competition who has ruined them and is obviously doing better(not much better though)?
  14. Any other argument is just so damn hypocritical though. The native americans should be the ones deciding who can immigrate where in America :cool:

  15. That would be like saying any country in the entire world that has a strict immigration policy is a hypocrit. There is always gonna be someone whom lived there before you. Should we allow another 200 million into our country? 400 million? What if mexico collapse, should we just add their entire population to our bankroll that's already in the negitive trillions? We don't want to be hypocrites, so we should destroy our country by leaving our doors wide open forever.
  16. Why would you support illegal immigrants over your own people? Idgaf what the percentage is....if it's 1 person, it's one person too many.
  17. Awesome. The illigals should be scrubbing the streets and taking out the trash, not going to school.
  18. Because there's some of our own people don't want to strive for a better education and contribute to our economy, apparently.
  19. If America gets destroyed it will be by our own doing, not Mexico. Anyways America isnt so great of a country that all of mexico is gunna move here, your getting a head of yourself. Im am of the belief that anyone should be able to move where they want in the world as long as they work there and contribute to society.

    You will never slow down or stop illegal immigration by just simply making it illegal, i mean look at pot for instance. If you want to to really get at the heart of illegal immigration then take away nafta and stop the war on drugs and I can guarantee that not as many hispanics will move over here. Mexicans are moving over here because of Americas extreme taste for drugs and the war that it has caused in mexico, if we legalized drugs in America the cartels would lose most of there market, power and money. If this happened there would be no refugees from mexico trying to escape the war. If we ended NAFTA small farmers and businesses in mexico wouldn't have to compete with American corporations and thered be more jobs in Mexico.
  20. I guess, even though tuition has been rising thanks to our government, now they give money to illegal immigrants. Like wtf? That doesn't make sense, if I sneak into a fucking movie they don't give me a free soda to go with it.

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