Schedule for drying and curing?

Discussion in 'Harvesting and Processing Marijuana' started by bongsin, Oct 19, 2010.

  1. I'm going to be harvesting my first grow on saturday. I dont really know how the drying and curing process goes. I probably will be hanging them up inside a shed which may get cold. Does temperature matter for drying? how long should they hang and what does curing entail and how long do you cure etc. Thanks in advance wouldnt have been able to go through with this without you guys.
  2. well just as you said, hanging them in a room with a decent temperature with a little bit of moisture will work. do this for a good 2 weeks depending on how dry it gets and then you can proceed to curing the bud in a jar
  3. #3 dfhdhfwoee, Oct 20, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2010
  4. dry the plants till they're somewhat Crisp to the touch, and get Classic Mason Jars, and cut the branches/trim the buds (unless you trimmed them when you harvested) then put the buds in the Mason jars, and seal, keep in a dark and cool place for a month, and every 2 weeks "burp" them, (opening the lid, and shaking a bit) and a month is general Curing time.

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