So I'm on my porch chillin' with a new piece I just got that night. Just standin' there; it's a nice cool summer night, ya know? So as I'm standin' there I rip a nice bowl and I hear this uber-screach from a falcon or hawk or something. I was immediately paranoid, but then realized it's just a stupid bird eating a mouse or something. Toke....toke.... like 20 seconds later I see this bird fly out of a tree across the street, as im cheerryin the bowl, and the fuckin bird does a DIVE BOMB maneuver right at me yo. RIGHT AT ME. I freaked and ran the hell outta there, the bird did the same but got within like 6 feet of me. Damn man, talk about paranoia and shit actually happening like that.
^^^ Thanks, yo. Dude, I don't think I've ever been that scared before. I ran in my girl's house and slammed the door HARD and she was all "what the fuck are you doing??" Apparently I was just babbling trying to explain but also being reallllly stoned like that it's hard to explain anything, esp. something THAT unusual.
^ Adrenaline fucks up speech....If I combined that with being blazed I would probably sound like I was speaking in a foreign language.
humming birds used to do that all the time while i was on the porch. then i saw it dead on the street in front of the house. poor thing. anyways nice story.
What is your icon from? Anyway I don't have enough balls to toke outside, so this kinda thing would never happen to me. I would be shitting bricks though.
^ Sorry dude but I have no idea... I was epicly baked one day and came accross it and thougt it was pretty funny so I saved it... When I joined GC I finnaly had a use for it
There used to be a blue jay nest in one of the trees in our backyard. Jays are obviously not large birds, but they are total assholes and will dive bomb you for no apparent reason while screeching like a banshee. I was chilling out back once, and one of them started doing it's dive bomb came so close to my head that I felt the whoosh of air. I wanted it to come down for another swoop so I'd have a chance to smack that fucker out of the air but it just sat up on the eavestrough screeching at me. Fuck I hate blue jays, they can't even play baseball properly.
did u know some people train birds and use them to hunt small game somtimes.. your neighbor trained one to steal gun
lol went up to my family's cabin a couple years ago (I think I was around 17 at the time) and my cousin was standing on a floating dock out on the lake and a huge fucking eagle seriously divebombed within 5 feet of his head. there were about 4 other people around too, but that bird obviously just didnt give a shit
Many-a mockingbird has tried to swoop down on me, but I retaliate with the 54-46 backhand SWAT. Never been surprised by a raptor though... that's quite different. They will claw you up, tear your eyes out!
something like that has happened to me too. It was crazy. I was coming out of my house and I was baked as fuck going to my friend Kenny's house. I was walking because he lives real close. And out of nowhere this fuckin hawk swoops down out of a tree and come down like within 2 feet of my head. I was tripping balls.
Every year I start off with hope that maybe just once they'll have a decent season and sneak into the playoffs as a wildcard or something, but by early June that hope has usually been soundly trounced. I guess as a Baltimore fan this is probably a familiar feeling, and with the Rays finally done embarrassing themselves it looks like the AL east basement is going to be full of birds for a while
dude thats insane. One time i brought about 1/8th(1 blunt and 3 medium sized joints) on a nature walk with me and 2 friends. The walk was a few miles, and you could explore a bit, which was awesome when stoned. So anyway, after we make sure that nobody else can see us on the nature trails, we pull out the blunt and start working on it. We take care of the blunt and save the 3 joints for later. Anywho, it gets dark pretty fast, and suddenly we all hear these kingfishers and blue jays squaking at us and making a racket, then one of the fcking kingfishers dive bombs us, stopped like 5 feet from out heads. We got so paranoid i grabbed a battery lantern out of my backpack so we had some light to see by. Those blue jays will surprise you, they have cajones.
Those with long hair should especially look out for bats. Those fuckers will get entangled in your nest and it's really freaky, i've seen this happen to someone twice. One of them woke up with a bat in her hair, and the other one just got attacked out of nowhere. I noticed they like to fly by your head really close.