What are some goood scary movies? I'm planning on loading up my netflix queue with tons of good ones Some i've seen recently: Wrong Turn Haunting In Connecticut The Fourth Kind
On netflix I'd add all of the Masters of Horror episodes. Behind The Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon (a pretty creative mockumentary) naturally the Evil Dead series should be included. The Shinning original Texas Chainsaw Massacre Day Watch and Night Watch not necessarily scary..Russian fantasy thriller IFILM: Deranged Henry: Portrait of a Serial killer (definitely made me feel gritty after watching) The Hamiltons Session 9
Try the Human Centipede, Slither, Haute Tension, The sentinel, Prince of Darkness, Demons 1&2, Intruder, Shivers, Feast 1,2, & 3 shit the list can go on for days! Anyhow, hope that helps a little....