Scary day at school

Discussion in 'General' started by qpwosl, Sep 24, 2008.

  1. So my friend was desperate for some bud so I told her i would give her a g for $15. I was suppose to bring it yesterday but I completely forgot so i promised I would today. I wasn't worried about bringing it to school because last year the drug dogs at our school never came into any of my classes. So today I wait for her before 2nd period but couldn't find her (she was taking a test) so i went into class. Right before class is about to end our principal comes in and asks everyone to step outside. They bring the k9 and handler in and start sniffing the backpacks. I was waiting outside scared shitless...They walk out and the principal glances at me. I go back inside and check for my bud which is still there (it was in an emptied glue stick thing which kept the smell inside pretty well). Right when the bell rings I run outside and give it to my friend. Good thing because right as I'm walking away the principal calls me into his office and he asks me if i have drugs and checks my backpack. They couldn't find anything and let me go but i've learned my lesson about bud at school. haha just thought I would share that with you guys:)
  2. middle school is cool.
  3. They do the same thing at my school but not very often. Ive never had it where the dogs came not my class though. I ty to never bring anything in anyway though.
  4. haha why would they have drug dogs in middle school?
    that just seems like such a waste of money
  5. wow man i never realized how lenient my school was. never any dogs or anything the only time we get in trouble if when we are actually seen smoking haha
  6. hahah last year someone grew pot in his locker....
  7. I still remember they brought the drug dogs to my Jr. High and this stupid kid had 1 bong and 1 pipe and a good amount of weed hidden in his LOCKER!!! Fucking retard got expelled and everything....

    I only saw dogs a couple times in HS.... Most of the time they just searched the parking lot and the dogs just sniffed the cars...

    Yea man... Rule of thumb - NEVER bring anything to school.... Tsk tsk.
  8. Dude, your obviously bait if your being scoped like that.
  9. Gotta love stupid highschool kids.
  10. They stopped doing this at the high school I went to because a dog bit a kid. So pretty much from the time I was in grade 10, we didnt have 1 drug search!
  11. what the fuck man, im sure the guy has no rights to do that..? am i wrong..?

    true, so true
  12. last year when I was a beginning stoner I always bought an eighth like once a week, even if I didnt run out the old one time I had about like over an eighth of shit on me in class cause i usually didnt empty out my pockets before school....and I was sitiing in psychology and they startd bringing the dogs through the hallways and shit...and our door was open as we watched them go by.... I was scared shitless.

    Luckily they musta not picked it up.
  13. Shiet, Ive never even made it to highschool been had dogs many times in middle school.

    Guns/Drugs, The works.

    Got many people.
  14. Oh i guess that's understandable but I come from the suburbs so guns and stuff are rare.

    And how the dogs work at our school is they divide the school into four sections and the dogs come once a month. The first day they go into every room in a section and then the second day, the second section etc. Then during lunch they walk by all the lockers. So if you bring bud/drugs it's almost impossible to hide unless you throw it in the bushes or ditch it.
  15. Shiet make it too easy on you. If you know a day before that dogs coming then c'mon.
  16. haha yeah my own fault
    i was just a bit too confident cuz i never got caught with estacy last year
  17. throughout all my years of public school, we never had a single drug search. ever.

    we had a pretty good sized school, but i guess drugs were not a big problem.
  18. when i was in high school, my school was KNOWN for the drugs

    but the staff didn't do shit

    i came in stoned everyday, skipped lunch to blaze in my car with my boyfriend...
    even tripped acid for the first time DURING school

    damn what a fuckin fun time

    i miss the hell outta high school :(
  19. At a school 1 block away from mine a kid whent in with a gun and held up a class and teacher. No one got hurt but i thought thats what you were going to talk about when i first seen this thread:p

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