Scary ass night.

Discussion in 'General' started by MrOneHitWonder, Dec 9, 2012.

  1. Last night I had a car full of people and we wanted to smoke. Now I can smoke at my house but nobody else can so this meant we had to go find a hiding place. We roll into this half built neighborhood and I drive to the back were they have just the streets built but no houses. I hit my lights and start to coast down to our spot as we get closer I notice there is a car in my spot I'm like wtf but at this time I can't really turn around as we get closer I look at the car and come to see its a sheriff waiting for me in my spot. I hit my lights back on and carefully turn around and as I'm trying to casually drive away bam he hits his cherries I'm like fuck because I had bud in one container grinded and another ungrinded. Anyway I see him hit his light and I floor it and drift and whip corners and somehow get away idk where I lost the cop at probably when I hit 90 leaving the neighborhood haha. It's safe to say I'm never going back there.

    Some of the charges I would have gotten are
    Intent to distribute
    Para for having a pipe
    Wreck less driving
    And evading arrest
    Damn ain't that some jail time.
  2. You can smoke at your house but nobody else can? Please do explain :)
  3. You're such a total badass bro.

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