Scariest movie you've ever seen

Discussion in 'Movies' started by Reppin 713, Jul 5, 2011.

  1. What's the scariest movie you guys have ever seen? For me personally I have never really been "scared" in a movie, not to try and sound like a hard ass but no movies have actually scared me more made me jump or say whoa. But the exorcist got pretty damn close to scaring me and the Blair witch project is up there, also the last scene in paranormal activity I was like ffuuuuu. I really wanna find a movie thy makes me say holy fuck that was scary.
  2. The news
  3. Hostel is very fucked up, so I'm gunna have to go with that one.
  4. Yeah I've heard about hostel it's about people getting like raped and tortured or some crazy shit?
  5. The original Texas Chainsaw Massacre
  6. I've never actually seen the Texas chainsaw massacre, i heard it was good though, I forgot about the original Halloween, nightmare on elm street, and Friday the 13th those made me jump quite a bit but never really scared.
  7. Pet Semetary, freaked me the fuck out.
  8. Never heard Of that one it sounds dumb tbh.
  9. Event Horizon. Sam Neill is one crazy mother-fucker.
  10. [​IMG]

    With out a goddamn doubt, Blair Witch Project was the scariest film I've ever seen.
  11. I'd also have to say the blair witch project. Along with the exorcist and supernatural activities but the exorcist has scarred - yes scarred - me most. Everytime I think of that fucking demon I have to turn the lights on. XD
    Like in the beginning of this Gorillaz vid, It's broad daylight and my family's at home but it scared the crap out of me!
    [ame=]YouTube - ‪Gorillaz - Rockit‬‏[/ame]
  12. I don't understand how anyone can get scared from the Blair Witch Project :confused:, I might have gotten a little scared if the film was actually REAL.

    The Ring scared me to death when I watched it when I was little.
  13. I gotta say it was this one crazy foreign movie I saw like 2 years ago. I think it's American name was "Recycle" or something like that. It wasn't like "shit jumping out you kinda scary" but more like "holy shit is that really a flesh cave full of creepy aborted babies!?" idk maybe it wasn't scary at all and I was just really high. Either way it's definitly worth the watch on Netflix. I think I'm actually gonna try and watch it again.....
  14. It's the imagination at work through the entire film that really brings the horror to the big screen.It's the fear of not knowing that makes this film terrifying.

  15. I had experiences in real life that were a lot more scarier, I was fighting for my sanity at some points.

    The Ring however made me afraid of sleeping in the dark after I watched it :smoke:
  16. Thanks bigD, I agree. You don't see anything it's all in your head.
  17. i watched a nightmare on elm street when i was about 8. The original one, not one the shitty sequels. It scared the living shit out of me. Im talking horrifed. I wouldnt sleep at all on my own, and would be horrified and the thought of him coming for me at night. It still gets me now, the whole he kills you when your sleeping type of thing is pretty fucked up..i meen everyone needs sleep, that played on my mind alot as a kid.
  18. The house of a 1000 corpses had no true craft as a horror film, but the sheer cruelty and brutality of the film scared the shit out of me as a youngin'.

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