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scared of electicity help me..

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Laucass83, Jul 30, 2019.

  1. I have 15 amps but electric wires and pannel are old was built in late 60s with old school fuse. How safe is it to crank it up? Like using 600w with ballast, fans, exhaust with a 6000 btu AC? Giving about 13amps...
  2. Never run it constantly at more than I believe 75% is what they say
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  3. Actually, it's 90% for modern breaker switches, just to keep them from running hot...But a fuse will carry the load all the way up to it's rated amps...
    If the wire gauge size isn't too small,you can swap out the fuse with a 20 amp, and get away with it...But don't need to if the 15 isn't blowing already...
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  4. this is amazing!! thank you
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  5. I'm with you on the fear factor and got this Kill a Watt to make damn sure I stay under 12 amp draw with everything up and running. Also feel your cords for heat. House built 1962

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  6. I'm no electrician but swapping fuses is a bad idea how are you to know all the wire on the circuit is the same gauge for one and two the fuse is that size for a you don't burn your house down. I dont know a lot about electricity but I do know that much. do what ever at your own risk it's your family sleeping in the house at night not mine. Also most things your running will draw alot more power starting up, than actually running . I would say if your not tripping the breaker your good try plugging something else in and see if your right on your limit if it doesn't trip call it good . I have similar issues and had to either run another line from another breaker or cut something out. I choose to get rid of the fan and get by with the oscillating fan on my AC unit
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