Uhhh Not sure how this one is going to play out. This would typically get anybody else on Earth fired within a nanosecond, but in the Trump White House? This guy might have just gotten a raise. If you somehow hadn't heard, Anthony Scaramucci called up The New Yorker's Ryan Lizza and unloaded on everybody. Reince Priebus is a leaker, Steve Bannon sucks his own cock, the Mooch is going to kill all leakers, and he's got digital fingerprints. Anthony Scaramucci Called Me to Unload About White House Leakers, Reince Priebus, and Steve Bannon Hard as a rock tonight
The bright side is now Big Don has his own private hitman. Beware Prebius, the Mooch is coming for you.
There's something very strange going on in the cesspit (White House). As soon as someone joins the team they start acting in a very irrational manner with inappropriate outbursts and deranged anger. It would make you wonder if they're all off their heads on unmentionables?
I listened to Anthony on the Sunday talkies, he is a real motor mouth. Much of the time was spent heaping praise on Dear Leader. It would be funny, if it weren't so scary having these clowns in the WH.
I don't think Mini-Me-Mooch could do what Steve Bannon does anyway - his hands are smaller than Drumpf"s. He's not trying to suck his own because he's already sucking Drump's - even with his big mouth he can't fit both at once. I'm actually surprised he can talk at all with his mouth full.
So the guy is ranting about leaks, while leaking to the press himself.. Pretty nuts... I do appreciate the candid talk though, wish more politics people would say what they really think.