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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by 420 bruhh, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. Where can I get a scale besides a headshop. Is there like craft stores or something that normally have them. In my county you have to be 19 to go to headshops.
  2. There's probably one in your local supermarket. They're everywhere
  3. Like walmart?
  4. #4 KushSmokaa, Jan 26, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2011
    just go into the headshop if the guy ask for id and sees your 18 hes just gonna be like ok most likely or he will just say nah.

    after all he is a stoner too he sells fucking bongs for a living loll ... i mean water pipes for tobacco use only. :rolleyes:

    Edit: this has probably crossed your mind and i dont know your situation so im not sure if this is an option [living at home, no credit card etc.] but you can buy them online right here on the city.
  5. Wal-mart might, post office should and gas stations that carry pipes usually have them too.
  6. Yeah man, i'm not definitely sure on it, but they aren't hard to find :D
  7. Maybe a utility or hardware store or the obvious headshops.
  8. Thats what I thought but I got kicked out, Straight bullshit.
  9. Ebay. Plenty of 'em, cheap too.
  10. Walmart has them, ask any employee for the mailing supply aisle, and when you get there look on the bottom shelf should be there:D
  11. I was looking for one myself a while ago. I had the good idea to look in the mail section of office max and all they had where scales that had a 1 ounce measurement. Your best bet is a headshop for .1 g and better measurements.
  12. How much are those if you dont mind me asking

    and are they .01 or .1g scales?
  13. They ID you if you try to buy a scale? Back in the day I would walk in and buy all kinds of stuff, and got carded like three times, even when I tried to buy definite tobacco paraphernalia. Granted this is a more liberal area for weed, but IDing you for a scale? WTF?

  14. weirdly ive been to 3 walmarts and at 2 they were 19.99 and at one they were 9.99

    they are .01g and they go upto 20 oz if i remember correctly
  15. Thanks man :)! Im also going to pick one up when im at walmart.

    +rep :smoke:
  16. I need one to but not saying why. Reason why I checked this thread but I need a good one...Nothing from walmart. haha

  17. the one from walmart works pretty good, one of the clubs i go to has 6 of them(where i got the recc for one) and shit if it works for the clubs sales it works for my weigh needs
  18. You can order them from Amazon, too. I got mine for $7 shipped. It's flawless.
  19. radioshack

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