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Scales / Scammed?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by sonoran, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. I've been lurking these forums for a few months now, and I figured it was about time I finally registered.

    What made me want to register, is I had a few questions. My friend and I have been buying around from people in this area and been finding nothing other than mids, but we recently found this guy that was selling "kush."

    Long story short, we bought 1/8 from him for 60 bucks, which seems a bit high priced, but I live in the 309 area code of Illinois, which basically encompasses all of the "fucking nowhere" portion, so I was wondering if we got scammed, or if this is what I might expect to pay?

    Also, before everyone shouts "BUY A DAMN SCALE," we tried going to our local wal-mart but the only digital scale was 35 bucks and all the other scales didn't seem precise enough to measure in grams. Where can I find some of these 10 dollar scales that every claims to buy?

    tl;dr did I get scammed for 1/8th @ $60 and/or where to buy a cheap scale?

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  2. I don't know how dense that is but for 60 you got da poooooooooooooooo
  3. heh sorrry dude but i wouldnt haven payed 60 for that

    im just stingy when it comes to pot though
    how does it smelll?

    it all dpeends how it lopoks and smells in person, really. I cant tell in a pocture. Bit of those buds are dense. (they look semi fluffy) theyre about an eight or so
  4. Hey man welcome to GC.

    Your bag looks a little light. I'd say thats 2.5-3 grams as opposed to an eighth (3.5g).

    It's $60 per 8th around in CT too, so don't feel too bad haha. That also looks like mids or high-mids.

    Find something on amazon, I just found this one, first to pop up:
    [ame=] ZX-600 G X 0.1 Digital Pocket Gram Scale Coin Digital Scales: Electronics[/ame]

    Hope I helped.
  5. It smells pretty strong, but the buds seem pretty dense and kind of dry, but when I look at it more closely I can see small brown hairs, which makes me think that we might not have gotten completely scammed.

    The pics are the two big buds we got, and we got a bit extra which makes me think he added some to even it out to 3.5, unless he wanted it to seem that way.
  6. A picture of all of it together would be better :)
  7. sorry man but that don't look like no kush even with the bad pics probably high mids at best. did it have any seeds at all, could be just bad pics but i am forced to pay 50-60 and eighth over in connecticut but much better bud it seems, but like i said hard to tell by the pics, as long as ya like it is all it really matters.:smoke:
  8. like you said there was more to the picture, i wud say the picture is 1.5-2.0. but i would not consider that kush looks like a decent midgrade. if you can get high off the mids i wud keep getting it since 60 for a hq is ridiculous
  9. Thanks for the help, it's much appreciated! Does anyone have similar / other scales to recommend?

    Here's a picture of all that we got with a guitar pick for comparison and a better look at one of the buds.

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  10. #11 Jardeh, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2011
    I personally think you got ripped off, but it's hard to determine as we do not know the density of the nugs and how potent your weed is. It generally depends on different factors. If it looks really dank and is dense, then you're probably in the clear. If otherwise, you probably were overcharged.

    EDIT: Just reread it. If you live in the middle of nowhere, that's probably the standard price you're looking at for bud. Dealers usually allocate their prices to the amount of consumers in their local area, it's simple supply and demand. If you're buying from a dealer who deals to 5-10 other people in a small town, they're usually going to have relatively high prices.
    If you're buying from a dealer who deals day in day out and has many customers, your weed will usually cost less as they're most likely in competition for one, and their vast amounts of customers will mean that they already have several reliable buyers and therefore do not have to overcharge. As opposed to small-town dealers, who have to overcharge as there is no certainty that they will always have a sale on their hand.
  11. 60 dollars for an eighth of dank is decent
    I wouldn't spend any less than 25 bucks on a scale. Why? Because I don't buy cheap stuff. Go on ebay and get yourself a decent scale.
  12. I would totally be willing to spend more money if I knew that this was something I would be into for a long time. This cheap hobby is quickly becoming expensive.

    When we first started, I just bought a bag of rollie tobacco and used the papers from there, but now that we're shelling out 60 bucks for an 1/8th, smoking more because of our higher tolerance, buying rolling papers, considering getting a bowl, etc; it's becoming a more expensive hobby pretty quickly.
  13. OP, where I live, that would cost a flat rate of 20 bucks, considering it looks like two grams for me.

    I doubt that is worth $60 in your area. I don't even think that is an 1/8th at all..

    If it is, I wouldn't pay $60 for it.

  14. Unfortunately every hobby costs money except masturbation and daydreaming.
  15. #16 Monteepython, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2011

    Yes, it is unfortunate.

    A lot of people smoke tobacco however.

    That's expensive. Its even worse then weed..
  16. Mate it's cheaper than any other drugs beleive me.
  17. it can be expensive. but if you start out with the important stuff.

    scale, solid piece or vape, and some knowledge. a little weed can go a long way.
    An eighth can last me a month (I don't smoke every day) but i still consider it a hobby of mine.
  18. #19 Laith, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2011
    I'd say that first picture is about 1.5g's to 3g's.. but i dunno if it'd be 3.5. Low mids too (in my opinion).

    Compared to what I buy for less than $10/g, that is... I'd suggest to start to grow yourself if that's all there is and especially for that price.
  19. Not enough , plus just looks like fire mids...

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