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Scale 1-10 How good does this look?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by FunkMasterKush, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. Hey Guys, I Recently went out and bought myself 1/8 oz (3.5g) of Bubba Kush...Anyways, i wanted to ask....does this look like Bubba Kush? And what are the Black spots on the Big nug? I havent tried it yet, but im hoping its as good as it sounds. And on a scale from 1-10 How does this look. I Paid $35 for it...So ya.....Let me know what you guys think!! [​IMG]

    Attached Files:

  2. You posted this twice...
  3. -420

    looks like good bubba, good price shmoke it up:smoke::cool:
  4. I would give it a solid 8 on looks
  5. 1/2 oz is 14 grams. You got an 8th. No idea if it's Bubba Kush, but for $35, good deal (where I'm from).
  6. 7. Looks pretty heady

  7. Yea, My new to this hehe :eek:
  8. so about this funk master kush:cool:?
  9. Nope, its Pretty sticky
  10. ....:cool:
  11. 7.5 :) Not bad, but could be better.
  12. 7/10 looks pretty good
  13. 6.5/10. Looks a little wet.
  14. Those black spots look like a little bit of purple coming out in the strain!

    7.5 or 8.0
  15. I would rate a 8.0 - 8.5
  16. 7.5-8/10. Looks like it would smoke good :smoke:
  17. I'd go with a 7 looks good

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